Despite the enormously meaningful insights which have been derived from attachment research, LeVine and Norman (2001) have criticized the theory on cultural grounds, stating: “The study of attachment . . . gave rise to an approach as blind to culture as any other in psychology” (p. 86). ...
much better job of taking into account children’s emotions than sociocultural theory. In fact, the socioculturalists are almost completely silent on the idea that children’s emotions impact their learning. This is a big oversight.
society. Though engagement with feminism, neo-Marxist scholarship, Pierre Bourdieu, and critical race theory, anthropologists of education asked questions about power, such as, “How do schools organize teaching and learning in ways that effectively reproduce social structural inequalities, and how do ...
Beyond culture learning theory: what can personality tell us about cultural competence? J Cross-Cult Psychol. 2013;44(6):900–27. Article Google Scholar Zhang J, Goodson P. Predictors of international students’ psychosocial adjustment to life in the ...
(sandal makers, chair makers, bricklayers, dyers, etc.) as well as the fact that many lived in the city. To mention only two examples: in 1516, the Carthusians bought ‘a vine and ahaçaof land and all that is contained in eightmarjales, more or less, in the estate of Aynadamar...
According to Parsons’ theory, conformity develops very early as infants tend to comply (more or less unconsciously) with the expectations of their caretaker. Thereby, they avoid losing the love on which they have come to depend. Gradually, “to act in conformity becomes a need disposition in ...
moments of creativity are never asocial in nature. We always depend on other people, other perspectives and tools to generate novel and meaningful outcomes, from ideas to the most visible creative achievements. A comprehensive theory of creativity thus requires us to perceive at “persons in ...
How has the evolution of each theory shaped the field of abnormal psychology in the context of a Compare and contrast the following forms of psychotherapy: cognitive, humanistic, and behavioral. Identify the focus of each approach, as well as...
This paper contributes to theory and practice by analysing all these processes for the case of trumfa, which fills a research gap in the understanding of the intersections between local development and food tourism through the sustainability of culture and its social context. In this sense, the ...
Social comparison theory also states that individuals are motivated to compare themselves to others in self-relevant domains (Festinger, 1954). Given the sociocultural importance placed on girls' and women's appearance (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997), adolescent girls, compared to boys, may be part...