A cross-sectional questionnaire was developed in four sections. In particular, the questionnaire included the following measures: socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, family composition); food purchasing frequency: this self-constructed scale composed by seven items (fresh cheeses, aged cheeses...
Conclusions:Although many mid-aged women in this sample had generally healthful diets, women in certain socio-demographic groups (particularly unmarried women and those in labouring occupations) had nutrient intakes of concern. As well as helping to address the dearth of current data on dietary inta...
A questionnaire was used to collect data. The chi-squa re and t-test were used to test differences in the data profiles. Response frequencies and corresponding percenta ges were calculated. Re sults showed tha t the participa nts a ttended rura l-situa ted public schools. Most ha d ...
Sample size and exclusion criteria can be found elsewhere [21]. Physical activity and sitting time assessment Physical activity and sitting time were assessed using a Spanish language long-form “last 7 days” self-administered version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) [22]...
olse Disorders Identificationest (AUDIT)core in populationamplef working-ageen inussia.ETHODS: In 2008-2009,amplef 1005enged 25-59 years living in Izhevsk,ussia were interviewednd informationollectedboutocio-demographicircumstances.esponsesoheUDIT questions werebtainedhroughelf-completed questionnaire....
On the other hand, the paper aims to investigate the link between the perception of EuWB and individual socio-demographic characteristics through a quantitative analysis based on the results of a survey. The survey carried out in Central Italy in 2010, involved a sample of 1,134 individuals, ...
A structured questionnaire consisting of 35-item was used as tool for collection of data in the study. The questionnaire has three sections: namely, demographic characteristics, driving behavior scale and job stress scale Result showed that participants with high extraversion significantly reported higher...
Data were gathered using questionnaire encompass socio-demographic characteristics (11 items) and Frequent Fruit and Vegetable Questionnaire (FFQ). Data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS 18 (descriptive statistics, and tests of independent t and one way ANOVA).Findings: There was no ...
Socioeconomic status, migration background and residential area were assessed as socio-demographic variables using a parent-report questionnaire. Results Overall, 19.4% of adolescents walked and 22.2% cycled to school. Compared to girls with high socioeconomic status, girls with low socioeconomic ...
The questionnaire consisted of questions; age, gender, education level, income status, problems with dentures, necessity for new dentures. Also asked was the place that the subjects would prefer to get their denture treatment, irrespective of their income level. In this study, Z-test was used ...