Quakers,Society of Friends religious order,religious sect,sect- a subdivision of a larger religious group Quaker,Friend- a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)
HOW A GENERAL PRACTITIONER MAY TREAT ATROPHIC RHINITIS.Read before the Kansas State Medical Society, at Fort Scott, May 4, 1891.Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Kansas State Medical Society:It is indeed difficult for one whose time is so fully occupied with the practice of a specialty, ...
It is here, as the general practitioner's consultant, that the geriatric physician develops his specialty of community medicine. It seems illogical that he should graduate from poor-house attendant to the modern medical centre without at the same time recognizing his responsibilities in that area ...
Doctors are among the most important parts of the community. They maintain the health of people, sometimes, let them live. Health professionals for their work means they are the lifeblood of any society. There are a variety of doctor, surgeon, general practitioner, cardiologist, and so on. Th...
and Africa. Although for reasons of conscience Friends could not take an active part in the Revolutionary War, they were loyal in upholding the new national government. They subsequently found a wide field of activity in philanthropic movements, taking the lead in the effort to abolish slavery. ...
aIn Britain there is a National Health Service (NHS) which is paid for by taxes and National Insurance, and in general people do not have to pay for medical treatment. Every person is registered with a doctor in his or her local area, known as a general practitioner (全科医生) or GP....
Prognostic criteria based on a prospective observation of the general population in Ohasama, Japan.. Am J Hypertens 1997; 10: 409–419. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Imai Y, Ohkubo T, Tsuji I, et al: Prognostic value of ambulatory and home blood pressure measurements in comparison to screening...
Included in its scope are factual and pertinent discussions of military psychiatry, the civilian readjustments required of the returned veteran, the role of the general practitioner in solving the problems of post-war rehabilitation and the contributions that can be made by social workers, ...
We aim to bring both digital pathology in general and computational pathology in particular within the scope of Helen Nissenbaum’s theory of appropri
In this review, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Cardiac Society describes the evidence for a range of care options after cardiac surgery.