美国社会党(Socialist Party of America),曾经存在的一个美国左翼党派。1898年美国劳工和政治领袖E.V.德布斯领导并创立的社 …baike.baidu.com|基于220个网页 3. 美国国家社会党 为了消除社会不平等引发的罪恶现象,海伦加入了美国国家社会党(Socialist Party of America)和国际产业工人协会IWW(Industri…zhidao.baidu....
At a time when the word "socialist" is but one of numerous political epithets, divorced from its historical context in America's political history, The Socialist Party of America: A Complete History presents a new, mature understanding of America's most important minor political party of the ...
Socialist Labor Party (redirected fromSocialist Labor Party of America) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in the US) a minor Marxist party founded in 1876 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
美國歷史上初具規模的社會主義組織是1876年設立的勞工黨Workingmen's Party。 1877年勞工黨改名為社會主義勞動黨Socialist Labor Party﹑簡稱SLP並沿用至今 (注*)。自從1890年以來﹐馬克思主義一直是SLP的理論基礎﹔直到1900年﹐SLP是美 國唯一的全國性社會主義政黨﹔1919年美國共產黨Comuunist Party USA成立時﹐許 多S...
1 : one who advocates or practices socialism 2 capitalized : a member of a party or political group advocating socialism socialist adjective often capitalized socialistic ˌsō-shə-ˈli-stik adjective socialistically ˌsō-shə-ˈli-sti-k(ə-)lē adverb Synonyms ...
This is the official Web site of the Socialist Labor Party of America, the original political party of socialism in the United States. The SLP was established on a Marxist basis in 1890. This site includes facts about the SLP's history, its revolutionary principles and program, a definition ...
This is the official Web site of the Socialist Labor Party of America, the original political party of socialism in the United States. The SLP was established on a Marxist basis in 1890. This site includes facts about the SLP's history, its revolutionary principles and program, a definition ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkO63lMyAhE&ab_channel=SecondThought 参考书目:Citations and Further Reading: Socialist Orgs To Consider https://www.cpusa.org https://pslweb.org https://frso.org https://www.dsausa.org Indigenous Socialism in America • Pre-Colonial Socialism and the ...
The party is the eponymous heir to the Socialist Party of America, which had previously adopted the name Socialist Party USA in 1962. In 1958, the Trotskyist Independent Socialist League led by Max Shachtman dissolved to join the SPA. Shachtman, whose politics had begun to move sharply to the...
The National Socialist Party see how many hate groups there are in world; especially America‚ which is considered “The land of the free”. Many people are unaware that these groups even exist. There are some in every single state‚ including a handful of hate groups in Illinois. The...