…What’s unfair is rewarding high-paid government workers with larger Social Security benefits than they earned. That’s essentially what the bill would do. …Many state and local government employees who receive pensions don’t pay into Social Security. Instead they earn pensions that are far ...
Since 1978, workers can earn up to a maximum of four credits per year. The credits are based on total wages and self-employment income for the year. In 2024, workers can earn one Social Security and Medicare credit for every $1,730 in covered earnings each year. They must earn $6,...
I believe in workmen's compensation to protect workers who are injured on the job. I believe in Social Security and Medicare because they provide a safety net for older Americans who would like to spend their later years enjoying the fruits of their hard labor.And I believe in public ...
For front-line workers, supervisors, or program managers alike, look at your own job descriptions carefully. If there is something there that is irrelevant, or something you do of which you are proud that doesn’t appear in your job description, make a few notes. Ask your supervisor or HR...
Americans were “covered” by the system, and it was later expanded to cover household workers and others who were excluded initially. The system is structured to be a regressive income tax covering most workers’ wages up to $160,200 per year, with no limit on the parallel Medicare ...
With more than 67 million Americans collecting stipends now and hundreds of millions more counting on benefits for their retirement, any threat to the system’s benefits sends a shudder through the nation’s workers. That’s why a promise not to cut benefits has...
2. Demographic Changes: The government says that an aging population is causing more people to draw benefits while fewer workers are paying into the system. While those facts are true, they lead to the lie that Social Security and Medicare are running short of money.Your FICA dollars do not...
Older adults want to live at home as long as possible, even in the face of circumstances that limit their autonomy. Home care services reflect this emergent preference, allowing older adults to ‘age in place’ in familiar settings rather than receiving
Richard Johnson of the Urban Institute think tank said the measure Social Security now uses reflects workers, not retirees. "If the goal is to maintain seniors' living standards, then the cost-of-living adjustment is going to fall short if it doesn't measure seniors&...
One of the panelists, Karl Briscoe, CEO of the National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners, says the pandemic has brought the systemic racism and inequality that exists within our country back into the spotlight. ...