Social enterprises come in numerous forms. The spectrum ranges from traditional associations aiming to integrate unemployed and disabled individuals into the workforce, to modern manufacturers of outdoor clothing attentive to the issue of sustainability.Footnote12To gain an impression of the multitude and ...
Australian Social Workers Must Uphold Ethics and Values 2031 Words | 5 Pages In summary, Indigenous health and the role of social workers in the rural environment are not without their complexities. As demonstrated, obvious issues of autonomy and conflicts of core professional values with the practi...
Work–life balance (WLB) remains a pressing challenge in today’s fast-paced society. The current study addresses this prominent issue by examining whether employment type and individual characteristics shape perceptions of WLB among entrepreneurs and wa
Super-utilizers are patients with frequent acute (i.e., emergency department) healthcare encounters, often because of complex physical, behavioral, and social needs. Parameters of defining healthcare super-utilizers vary across the literature, but the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)...
ethics, this reasoning has little to nothing to do with right or wrong, but is driven by satiating popular envy. Reading this summary brought back my reading of the Life of Publicola in Plutarch’s Lives; that Roman foe of the Tarquins had his own mansion demolished (shown) just to ...
In reality, the alignment of Trump supporters to the White republic is complex and even contradictory. Different cultural groups and socio-economic classes that make up the White Republic experience contemporary conditions differently. Indeed, the same identifiable category, say blue-collar workers, may...
The internet is vital for access to information, jobs, and education. It improves workers’ rights, ensures freedom of expression, andshould be a human right. This isespecially true in the age of COVID-19. Here are two things you can do today to support universal access to information with...
Disclaimer:While I write about media law and ethics, nothing here should be construed as legal advice. I am an academic, not a lawyer. My only advice is that you consult a lawyer before taking any legal risks. © Mark Pearson 2024 – the moral right of the author has been asserted. ...
workers died. The revolt was based in the apartment of writer, Maxim Gorky. Militants made bombs in his study and ate in his kitchen. On December 10, socialist revolutionaries bombed the headquarters of the Moscow Okhrana (secret police). By December 12, the rebels held six of the seven ...
In short, social workers exploring a client’s home life and family dynamics may be missing a significant piece of the puzzle if they neglect to inquire about the client’s animals and the attachments, relationships, and problems with them. The Presence of Pets Enhances Communities’ Social Capi...