(2009). Believers and skeptics: Where social workers situate themselves regarding the code of ethics. Ethics and Behaviour, 19, 60-78.Fine, M., & Teram, E. (2009). Believers and skeptics: Where social worker situ- ate themselves regarding the code of ethics. Ethics & Behavior, 19(1),...
Ratnasingham, S., Cairney, J., Rehm, J., Manson, H., & Kurdyak, P. A. (2012). Opening eyes, opening minds: The Ontario burden of mental illness and addictions report. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and Public Health Ontario.https://www.deslibris.ca/ID/234802. Colquhoun, ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread through pre-existing fault lines in societies, deepening structural barriers faced by precarious workers, low-income populations, and racialized communities in lower income sub-city units. Many studies have quantified the
being legally able to work in Canada, and having delivered a minimum of 15 sexual services to clients in the past 12 months. Sexual services were considered to include, necessarily but not exclusively, direct physical contact between a sex worker and a client. We developed ...
Animal advocacy is a complex phenomenon. As a social movement encompassing diverse moral stances and lifestyle choices, veganism and vegetarianism (veg*) are at its core, and animal testing raises as a notably contentious issue within its members. This p
she imagined a social worker of a teenage girl writing to the Apostle. The girl had destroyed effects to do with her birth family on the advice of the enthusiastic church she had joined, that had advised her to “forget what is behind and strain towards what is ahead” (Phil 3). I ha...
While there's no federal regulatory agency, the Ontario Securities Commission (which oversees the Toronto Stock Exchange) carries significant weight regarding corporate governance recommendations. Canada follows a "principles-based" approach to corporate governan...
Thus, all the universalist ethical imperatives of the Old Testament are first converted into a norm of intra-Jewish conduct; and, as a logical consequence, there is a vague field of ethics (the ethics of relations between gentiles and Jews), to be filled by the interpretation of the rabbis...
A species-spanning approach that incorporates clients’ relationships with their companion animals into family genograms, schools of social work curri
The proposed planning approach can be utilized to optimize the schedule of construction projects that have more than one worker group. A case study was used to apply the proposed framework and compare it with actual delays. The results showed that the proposed approach increased the planning and ...