(2002). Theoretical approaches to disability content in social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 38(1), 153-165.Gilson, S. F., & Depoy, E. (2002). Theoretical approaches to disability content in social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 38 (1), 153–165....
Since part of the work covers the theoretical aspects of the concepts of GD and GG, there is also used the content analysis method. The latter allows us to analyse theoretical approaches related to the subject of research. As a result of the synthesis of theory and political and legal ...
The journal encompasses justice-related research work using traditional and novel approaches, and spanning the social sciences and beyond: psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, social policy research, political science, law, management science, and others. ...
Also here, despite the theoretical nuance differences, these two problems are explained in the same place. The irony is widely encountered a linguistic phenomenon in philosophy and linguistics, and it has been defined in various ways in the literature. Regarding this subject, various theories ...
This is a long chain of events, so I don’t feel a high degree of responsibility for my small part in encouraging the crazier aspects of the paleo lifestyle movement. But, to the extent that I was proud that my promotion of Seth’s work led to his media success, I should correspondi...
Once again, modular approaches to student assignments can work wonders. The first module needs to establish the basic research statement (question, hypothesis, etc.) so that students have a clear mental picture of the goal they are seeking. The research statement will commonly need to identify at...
The study evaluated the methodological quality and theoretical fidelity of studies, with a random effect meta-analysis conducted to summarise the overall efficacy of SSGP and its effect on social communication and interaction, behavioural/emotional challenges, adaptive functioning, and autism characteristics...
social network sites afford a novel methodological approach ofpotential benefitto researchers who examine the theoretical and empirical implications of the emotions reported by teachers and students in educational settings. This chapter provides an overview of methodological approaches for mining social network...
2007. Social work, health, and international development: Compassion in social policy and practice. New York: Routledge. In this edited volume, eminent experts from around the world highlight diverse answers to a wide range of theoretical and practical issues in social work and health care, ...
Theoretical implications Across six studies, we show that CSI harm has a positive impact on prosocial consumer behavior. Specifically, CSI harm increases prosocial consumer behavior in general (Study 1), due to the arousal of anger toward the firm (Studies 2–6). Furthermore, when a firm has...