We’ve put together a list of social work research topics to help you find the right topic and start your paper. You can explore issues like social justice and inequality or look into how social media affects mental health. These topics will give you fresh ideas and inspire you. If you’...
In social work, this has frequently translated to questions of whether and how social workers use research in practice. Despite these questions, relatively little is known about the ways in which research comes to be used in social work practice. This paper reports on a study of research ...
This paper aims to understand how a group of academics cite each others’ work through time, considering the simultaneous co-evolution of three networks representing their scientific collaboration, the journals in which they publish a...
Free Essay: Forensic Social Work Paper (30%) Each student will write a paper focused on a related topic regarding current trends in Forensic Social Work. •...
Research methods for social workers: A practice-based approach Social work students may question the real world value of research methods and statistical analysis as they anticipate helping clients directly. Research M... C Faulkner,SS Faulkner - Research methods for social workers: A practice-based...
qualitative method of hypothesis generation has great potential for the development of social work knowledge, the paper shows how the grounded theory method originated by Glaser and Strauss (1976) builds on both induction and deduction and develops the research design over the course of the research...
Recent shifts in political sociology have moved away from reification of the state to focus more on symbolic and everyday sociocultural perceptions of political units. Yet the launching points for most research has been state-le...
Our hope is that the paper will provide an impetus for further theoretical and empirical work in a neglected area of research ethics. Show moreView article Chapter Archiving: Ethical Aspects International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences Reference work2001, International Encyclopedia of ...
Developmental social work: A 'strengths ' praxis for social development paper is an attempt to respond to this challenge While Midgley (2001) relates the critical perspective to Marxist-oriented practice, I suggest that the strengths perspective gives the radical edge needed for developmental social...
is to our profession what the microscope and reagents are to the natural sciences. Cross-examining pieces of evidence constitutes the crux of all research work, as a piece of evidence is, as a rule, an incomplete and imperfect piece in the puzzle. But no matter how incomplete and imperfect...