Marketing conferences are essential to stay updated with industry trends, network with peers, and learn from top experts. With so many events to choose from, it’s important to know which conferences will provide the most value for you and become a must-attend event, and which are not for ...
CONFERENCES & conventionsPSYCHOLOGICAL adaptationSOCIAL case workINTERNATIONAL relationsSOCIAL integrationCONCEPTSThe article discusses the highlights of the Social Work and Social Development Conference in Panama in 2024. Topics covered include the elaboration of the theme Respecting Diversity through Joint ...
Social media is being adopted and applied in almost every area of human activity, be it for personal applications, in education, for commercial applications or in the public sector. The rapid uptake of social media is related to many factors including its ease of use and adaptability to differe...
social work in ways which are rendered understandable, accountable and which justify professional intervention. The features include: studies of key practice areas in social work, such as interviews, case conferences, home visits; analysis of the language and construction used in typical case studies ...
IWoDAInternational Workshop on Design Automation2020-11-252020-11-302020-12-26 NESEAInternational Conference on Networked Embedded Systems for Every Application2012-08-262012-09-212012-12-13 Deep-MLInternational Conference on Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Emerging Applications2019-04-232019-05-20...
Meet new people and get matched with over 330,000 groups and friends based on your network of interests, from tech conferences to free yoga and everything in-between Explore online or local events by category, search by keyword, or see what’s popular in your area with a map ...
With yearly conferences in Singapore, Tokyo, and Jakarta, Tech in Asia (YC W15) is the go-to media platform for Asia's tech community. Details of the startup: Country: Singapore State: Central Region City: Singapore Started in: 2010 Founders: Willis Wee Number of employees: 51-100 Fundin...
The Future of Work and the Gig Economy Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion Existentialism in the 21st Century Ethics of Emerging Technologies Religion and Secularism Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness The Role of Religion in Contemporary Society
The challenges facing our world today have grown in complexity and increasingly require large, coordinated efforts: between countries; and across a broad spectrum of governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the communities they serve. These coordinated efforts work towards supporting the...
# Past Conferences If you did not participate before in the AIST conference you can take a look at the proceedings of the last three years to get an idea about what kind of papers are accepted and what kind of topics are discussed at the conference. ...