CONFERENCES & conventionsPSYCHOLOGICAL adaptationSOCIAL case workINTERNATIONAL relationsSOCIAL integrationCONCEPTSThe article discusses the highlights of the Social Work and Social Development Conference in Panama in 2024. Topics covered include the elaboration of the theme Respecting Diversity through Joint ...
Marketing conferences are essential to stay updated with industry trends, network with peers, and learn from top experts. With so many events to choose from, it’s important to know which conferences will provide the most value for you and become a must-attend event, and which are not for ...
《中国社会工作期刊(英文)》(China Journal of Social Work)(一年3期),创刊于2008年,是北京大学-香港理工大学中国社会工作研究中心同Taylor & Francis出版集团合作运营的英文学术期刊,也是第一本由香港和中国大陆共同编辑的学术英文期刊。主要关注中国社会工作的发展。期刊立足中国本土社会,鼓励运用多学科交叉的研究方法...
be it for personal applications, in education, for commercial applications or in the public sector. The rapid uptake of social media is related to many factors including its ease of use and adaptability to different devices. However, it also poses some challenges and problems that need to be a...
Step 8: Work with influencers Influencers can bring buzz to events. Having a known personality gives your event exposure to their audience.Building relationships with key people in your industrywho talk up the event can push interested attendees to register. Influencers are on all of your socia...
The Future of Work and the Gig Economy Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion Existentialism in the 21st Century Ethics of Emerging Technologies Religion and Secularism Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness The Role of Religion in Contemporary Society
IWoDAInternational Workshop on Design Automation2020-11-252020-11-302020-12-26 NESEAInternational Conference on Networked Embedded Systems for Every Application2012-08-262012-09-212012-12-13 Deep-MLInternational Conference on Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Emerging Applications2019-04-232019-05-20...
their clients and other professionals categorise and manage the problems of social work in ways which are rendered understandable, accountable and which justify professional intervention. The features include: studies of key practice areas in social work, such as interviews, case conferences, home visits...
can meet and exchange ideas. The conference allows specialists from different fields to meet each other, present their work, and discuss both theoretical and practical aspects of their data analysis problems. Another important aim of the conference is to stimulate scientists and people from the indus...
I use this app to get to technology, startup and music meetups. Just last night I went to a JavaScript meetup. Great work to the developers and I wish you guys to keep being awesome. Peace! VMihaiP,20/07/2019 Good way to meet more amazing people ...