EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION 2023BORIKOV, MiriamaJournal of Socioterapy / Journal Socioterapie
The Social Work Department of the University of Bucharest is pleased to invite submissions for presentations at the 8thedition of theSocial Work International Conference (SWIC)to be held betweenOctober 31standNovember 1st, 2024. This year’s theme,Building Bridges: Fostering Collaboration in Social Wo...
2010-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Scope China Journal of Social Work (CJSW) is the first academic English journal jointly edited from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland to focus on social work development taking place in China. The journal ...
The European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) is the largest annual event for social work research in Europe. It serves as a gathering for the European social work research community to connect, exchange research, and build relationships. The ESWRA Board recognizes the importance of ma...
Gain a Fresh Perspectiveby having the chance to learn new strategies and ideas that you can immediately apply to your work to overcome marketing challenges and improve your marketing skills Engage in Hands-On Workshopswhich will help you discover new social media and digital marketing tools that mi...
会议日期: 2024-10-30 会议地点: Kaifeng, China 届数: 17 浏览:33447关注:10参加:2 征稿 The 17th lEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking (lEEE SocialCom 2024) is concerned with the intersection of social behaviour and computing systems, creating or recreating social conventi...
I first reviewed (1,2) three online conference social platforms:Gatherly,Rally, andWonder(the new name for Yotribesince September) in 2020. Since then, the Gatherly and Rally developers have been hard at work![2023 update: Wonder went out of business in 2023.]So here’s a review of up...
The 3rd SDMC was aimed at the academic and scientific community and the productive sectors of the region, with the aim of disseminating academic and research work; moreover, it promoted the exchange of experiences between researchers as well as the participation of the productive sectors in researc...
(for instance, in method evaluation) are out of scope. Ideal submissions should speak to research questions of societal relevance. We invite original work that utilizes diverse digitally mediated data sources such as web navigation traces, traces from apps, social media traces, data from online ...
When referring to your own work in the manuscript, use neutral terminology. Replace phrases like “as we have shown before” with “as has been shown before” or similar. Anonymised references (e.g. Author, 2023) can be used, if required. Remove any author names from the figures. Includ...