Summary:Launched in 2021, Fizz is a private campus-specific platform moderated by other students. Having started at Stanford University, the app has now expanded to other colleges prioritizing moderation and community health among its core values. 17. Caffeine 5-Year Search Growth:57% Search Volume...
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Bridging (horizontal ties) Trusted members with different primary groups like friends from different colleges or sports teams Members with different interests or social characteristics Linking (vertical ties) Work colleagues with different hierarchical positions from the same company Distant colleagues with di...
35,342 Digital Marketing Company Bangalore - BrandStory is a Digital transformation company tha ... 602 3,908 Socialman 35,218 App for Social Media Giveaways - Socialman is an online platform for running and ma ... 66 3,930 KOLLEKT.FM 35,093 Discover, collect and share music ...
Psychological Effects Caused by Social Media Among Adolescents in Selected Pre Universities Colleges, Bangalore (Bengaluru)AdolescentsInternetCyber bullingonline harassmentsFacebook depression SextingSocial networkingDigital mediaAdolescents have moderately adequate knowledge and favorable attitude regarding psychological...
Private sector employers who learned about the “sweetheart deal” that colleges had obtained in 1976 desired to have access to the same pool of young reduced-cost, highly skilled labor. The levers of power in Washington, D.C. were manipulated by firms such as Microsoft, Hewlet Packard, IBM...
Bangalore-based Pratham Books, a not-for-profit trust is a children’s book publisher and has championed its cause using social media tools – Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Scribd, YouTube, and Flickr – quite effectively. Gautam John, the 31-year-old incharge of New Projects at the organi...
Bangalore is known for having pleasant and mild climate throughout the year and some of the most beautiful and well-maintained gardens. Being the Silicon Valley of India and IT Hub of Asia, the city attracts people from all over India and abroad who come
Over 10,000 desktops and laptops are now being used to deliver basic computer knowledge and advanced training at government schools, colleges, NGOs and hospitals. Community Life: Women Empowerment To help strengthen the communities in which we operate has always been a core priority for Ford. ...
Impact of Social Network Sites on Perception of Sociability and Academic Performance of College Students in Bangalore City. Ph.D. Thesis, Chirst University, Bengaluru, India, 2014. [Google Scholar] Preece, J.; Maloney-Krichmar, D. Online communities: Focusing on sociability and usability. In ...