The Southern African Development Community Council of Ministers recently urged member States, Zimbabwe included, to come up with contingency plans to address looming food shortages in the regionSource - NewsDay Zimbabwe More on: #Social_welfare, #Zimbabwe, #Allocation Comments riverside stand for ...
This book provides an informative account of government welfare policies and programs in thirteen countries, mostly in the Global North but also in China and South Africa. It begins with an overview by the editors of the international context by focusing on the role of economics, politics, demogr...
education, and technology, has created significant skills gaps. For instance, Zimbabwe has lost thousands of nurses and doctors to the United Kingdom's National Health Service, leading to staffing shortages in domestic hospitals.
This marks a departure from conservative ideologies and doctrines on welfare which have seen social policies having a neo-liberal orientation which wrongly assume that the welfare needs of citizens are met through the market. Secondly, it presents field-based evidence which shows that for the new ...
Zimbabwe, like other countries in the global south has for years been burdened by the challenges of persistent poverty and inequality. In response to these challenges, it has developed progressive social policies aimed at protecting the poor and reducing vulnerabilities. In 2020 the situation became ...
摘要: This article raises the origin of social welfare rights, from the "Poor Law" English, investigating how the expression of social assistance joined the social protective system in Brazil. Points the di关键词: Social rights Social assistance Judicial activism Poverty Social policies ...
Five major themes concerning social innovation in the prevention and control of epidemic diseases were discerned as follows: new products, novel processes and policies, empowerment, innovative practices and behaviors, and community engagement. New products include technological products for control and mana...
The protection of children in street situations is a key policy issue that is mostly spearheaded by governments, the non-profit sector, private sector and
One view of the dialects is that they resulted from differing missionary education policies in the nineteenth century. Sindebele is a click language of the Nguni group of Bantu languages; other members of this language group are Zulu and Xhosa, which are spoken mainly in South Africa; siSwati...
The challenge of integration in the implementation of Zimbabwe’s new water policy: case study of the catchment level institutions surrounding the Pungwe–... , where water scarcity, after the land question, is perceived to be a major threat to political, economic, social, military and environme...