Social Choice and Welfare is an interdisciplinary journal exploring all aspects of welfare economics, collective choice, and strategic interaction. Addresses the ethical and positive aspects of welfare economics and collective choice theory. Explores issues in social choice and voting theory, as well as...
In everyday life, people often encounter situations where their personal interests are at odds with the welfare of a larger collective to which they belong. What seems to be an individually rational choice may later have detrimental effects on the wellbeing of the group. Such conflicts of ...
Log in Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart Home Social Choice and Welfare Article Dividing bads under additive utilitiesOriginal Paper Open access Published: 16 October 2018 Volume 52, pages 395–417, (2019) Cite this article Download...
(those households reporting 0 income were changed to 0.1 to allow for log transformation). The mean of all waves of available data pertaining to household income was taken to create the exogenous control variable used in the longitudinal models. Similarly, Index of Multiple Deprivation was derived...
In both planning documents, the distribution of information to the infection control physicians, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the ECDC and WHO is stressed. The collaboration on national, regional and community level include: (2019). collect and share information to get a common pictur...
governmentswith regard to action having a direct impact on the welfare of thecitizens,byproviding them with services or income.’ LSE Peter Townsend(1928 - ) Centennial Professor LSE, expert in poverty studies) “We must define social policy not just as the strategy of development ...
See Netherlands Ministry of Culture, Recreation & Social Welfare's contact information. Explore Netherlands Ministry of Culture, Recreation & Social Welfare's filmography, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with COMPANYmeter. IMD
Childcareintensive parentingNorwayNordic earner-carer modelparental time usesocial classTime intensive parenting has spread in Western countries. This study contributes to the literature on parental time use, aiming to deepen our understanding of the relationship between parental childcare time and social ...
Social Capital in Relation to Mental Health—The Voices of Adolescents in Sweden by Mikael G. Ahlborg *, Jens M. Nygren and Petra Svedberg Department of Health and Welfare, Halmstad University, 301 18 Halmstad, Sweden * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Int. J. Environ....
deafblindness;dual sensory impairment;quality of life;social welfare;autonomy;integration;disability 1. Introduction Deafblindness is a multisensory, complex and poorly visible disability that prevents the person from using the senses of hearing and sight and does not always lead to a total loss of ...