11chapters |294lessons Ch 2.Government Lesson Plans Ch 3.Law & Public Policy Lesson Plans Ch 4.International Organizations Lesson... Ch 5.Socialism & Marxism Lesson Plans Ch 6.Social Studies Games for Students US History Games for Kids in the Classroom ...
9 chapters | 228 lessons Ch 1. Teacher Development & Certification... Ch 2. Online Credential Options for... Ch 3. Common Core Standards by State Ch 4. Classroom Management Resources Ch 5. Curriculum Resources for... Ch 6. Language Arts & Social Studies Educational Resources Persuasive Wri...
Subject: Social Studies Grade: 2 Lesson Objective: To learn about the game of hockey and how it started Common Core Standard:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.1- Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Materials: ...
Social Studies Techbook™ is a highly engaging digital social studies textbook covering world history, geography, US history, civics, and more. Request a demo!
Social Studies Techbook™ is a highly engaging digital social studies textbook covering world history, geography, US history, civics, and more. Request a demo!
Time4Learning’s two-semester middle school course offers a fun, engaging approach. Lessons involve interactive videos led by experienced teachers as well as multimedia stimuli, including maps, charts, graphs, photographs, and videos. Students will use social studies skills to access, interpret, and...
studies ROI of BetterUp Resources Research Content library Courageous leadership development hub Center for Purpose & Performance Center for Daring Leadership: a groundbreaking partnership that amplifies Brené Brown's empirically based, courage-building curriculum with BetterUp’s human transformation platform....
Related lessons: Lesson Plan: Baseball - Writing LessonPlan: Baseball - Social Studies Lesson Plan: Baseball - Reading Lesson Plan: Baseball - Math Check out our completeEmergency Sub Plans Library! Written by Kimberly Greacen, Education World® Contributing Writer ...
. . . Asked whether it’s possible that students who do well in his studies would do well in any setting, given their demographic advantages, Ray replied, “That’s a reasonable hypothesis.” But: He dispenses with the caveats when talking about his results to legislators, courts, ...
Created with Sketch.Read More Case Studies Learn Why Educators Fall in Love with Peekapak Created with Sketch. “I enjoyed the lessons and I used each one. They were just what my students needed to help them process what was happening with the COVID-19 pandemic. I feel that they got to...