Inspire your students to learn about the past and present! Engage your students in fun social studies lessons that will teach them how history has changed.
We offer thousands of social studies lesson plans to help teachers with classes in subjects including geography, U.S. history, civics, sociology, and more.
With Storyboard That, students are able to engage with the material and with each other in a new and exciting way! Give students voice and choice by including storyboarding into your social studies lesson plans!Search View All Teacher Resources Pricing for Schools & Districts Introductory ...
In this course, you'll find lesson plan outlines, games and class activities that are designed to enhance your social studies curriculum. The...
5th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plans Help your students build knowledge of America's history, government, community, and civics with's fifth grade social studies lesson plans. Students will learn and deepen their historical comprehension through active discussion and guided practice, made...
Social Studies lesson plan for researching non-western nations, includes a research paper project and cultural Show and Tell Can the South Win the Civil War? American Civil War lesson plans for elementary classes integrates Language Arts and Social Studies with several classroom activities ...
Social Studies Lesson PlansIn a desert
Farms Around the Worldby Catherine Veitch Printable Worksheets:Clothing,House Procedure Day One Gather your students around you and ask, “What do you think people need to live?” Steer students away from answers like video games and television. The answers you are seeking are air, water, fo...
This is an open ended project where students can draw a picture of themselves being a good citizen. They also create a caption to go with it so it also practices text features. Be a Places in My Community Parks, Library, Hospitals, Schools This social studies lesson will help student in ...
Social Studies Lesson Plan In the following social studies lesson, students will understand how to contribute to their community, how to improve their community, and understand the concept of helping others and the impact of President Report