What I really like about the TCI curriculum is that it’s much more engaging than any other curricular materials I’ve ever accessed. –Bill Casertano, High School U.S. History Teacher Get the Scoop TCI is designed with the modern teacher in mind. As educators, we often find ourselves str...
Dive into TCI's interactive social studies textbooks and programs, available in print and online for Tennessee students.
Inspire active citizenship with our 6–12 social studies curriculum. Our social studies programs cultivate the critical thinking skills children need.
HMH Social Studies is an inquiry-based social studies curriculum for Grades 6–12 that immerses students in history and gets them excited to uncover connections.
HMH Social Studies is an inquiry-based social studies curriculum for Grades 6–12 that immerses students in history and gets them excited to uncover connections.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning" -- Albert Einstein In keeping with the philosophy of Woodsville High School, the Social Studies Department prepares students to become active partic
DoreenThis paper argues that the voices of women should be integrated into the high school social studies curriculum in New York State. Women are major contributors to society. They are members of every culture, socioeconomic class, and racial group. Yet women occupy mere cameo roles in the ...
Singer, A. (1995) Challenging gender bias through a transformative high school social studies curriculum. Theory and Research in Social Education 23: pp. 234-259Singer, A. (1995). Challenging gender bias through a transformative high school social studies curriculum. Theory and Research in Social...
Furthermore, all students in FE, KU have to study about social studies in the primary, secondary, and high school curriculum. In an implementation, the similarities cover media of learning, the engagement of power point and numbers of lectures, fourteen times. Moreover, the differences in this...
SocialStudies CurriculumGuide 2004-05 SOCIALSTUDIES MIDDLEANDHIGHSCHOOL 2004-05CURRICULUMGUIDE TABLEOFCONTENTS TITLEOFSECTIONSECTIONNUMBER MissionStatement………ii BoardofEducation……….iii ExecutiveSummary………1 Acknowledgements……….2 PhilosophyoftheSocialStudiesDepartment………...3 ProgramGoals...