Viewing pictures of social interaction can facilitate approach behaviors. We conducted two studies to investigate if social interaction cues, empathy, and/or social touch modulate facial electromyographic (EMG) reactivity (as evidenced by the zygomaticus
There is almost universal agreement that social studies instruction, with the "hottest" content in the curriculum, often provides the coldest and least palatable servings. The revolutions that have taken plac...
This article examines the effects of instruction on achievement in eighth grade English and social studies. It is further concerned with the extent to which instructional variation helps account for achievement inequality among racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. The approach to measuring instructio...
Before presuming you're too old for law school, consider how your background may help you as an applicant. Gabriel KurisDec. 23, 2024 Advice for Older Law School Applicants Don't let these common concerns stop you from earning an advanced degree, experts say. J. Anthony CalhounDec....
Advertising agencies have used images of attractive people to sell their products for a very long time now, even the famous “pair of Guess jeans slung over a chair in the background” stuff. So how do you know that for lost sale due to lack of focus on the product, T-Mobile hasn’...
Case studies have pointed out that teachers' disciplinary knowledge affects their pedagogy; however, the results are not consistent. There is a need for quantitative research to examine the relationship between teacher knowledge and practice, particularly in social studies where content-specific studies ...
Although teacher feedback varied with teacher expectations, this did not significantly mediate the significant effect of teacher expectancy on later achievement. In addition, there are studies that, although not explicitly examining teacher behaviour, showed how biased expectations might be related to ...
Background context (e.g. for the general reader); Specific knowledge gap the work aims to fill and/or the research question explored; Methods or approach used; Key findings, conclusions or observations (where possible findings should be given in context or, if applicable, quantified); ...
The different verbal andnonverbal signalsused in conversation have been studied, and the functions of such factors as gaze, gesture, and tone of voice are analyzed in social-interaction studies. Social interaction is thus seen to consist of closely related sequences of nonverbal signals and verbal...
Thanks so much for all of this information. Since I read dozens of studies in medical journals each week, I’m going to do a daily infographic made up of 3 brief sentences which summarizes one of the studies that I think people will find interesting. I assume a good compromise in sizes...