Goldman, Susan R.Popp, Jacquelynn S.History Teacher
Resources Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum Standards Resources - from MCPSS [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]Search...
This updated resource provides educators with the tools to implement standards-based social studies curriculum that will help raise the level of social studies education at each specific grade level, and …
Social Emotional Learning for Kindergarten Social Emotional Learning for 1st Grade Social Emotional Learning for 2nd Grade Social Emotional Learning for 3rd Grade Social Emotional Learning for 4th Grade Social Emotional Learning for 5th Grade Social Emotional Learning for 6th Grade...
When 11-year-old Trevor begins 7th grade, his social studies teacher Eugene gives the class an assignment to design and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better. Trevor thinks hard and comes up with a plan. Trevorˈs plan is a charitable program based on the ...
The Grade Leader Teacher as The Organizer and Leader of Social Education Work in Each GradeAn integral approach to school education presupposes coordination of the efforts of teachers, the Komsomol and Pioneer organizations, parents, and the community within the overall system for the communist ...
Social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and difficulties among sixth grade students: comparing student and teacher ratings in Finland and EstoniaThis study explores the level of congruency between students' ratings of their own emotional and behavioral strengths and difficulties, and their teachers'...
Miss Baugh taught seventh-grade social studies.She taught us to take school seriously.She is the kind of teacher who lets everyone feel scared.When my friends learned that I was in her class,they showed pity on me. One day I took my trick props(道具)to school.Of all...
[3, 2023]Nonverbal Cues in Human Robot Interaction: A Communication Studies Perspective, Jacqueline Urakami et al., J. Hum.-Robot Interact. [01, 2023]Benchmarks and Algorithms for Offline Preference-Based Reward Learning, Daniel Shin et al., arXiv ...
CiNii Articles - The Design of Social Studies Lessons on "the Flow of Oil" and "the Flow of Information" with the Aim of achieving a Scientific Recognition of Society : Focusing on the Unit, "Modern Japan and Our Lives"(In Secondary Schools,Research into Excellent Standards of Teaching and...