To answer these questions, we conducted a survey of SMEs in the craft sector in the region of Fez. We structure our article as follows: in the first part we present the conceptual framework of CSR in general and Morocco in particular. Then we will present our research methodology. The ...
Improving lives everywhere We believe in the vision of the Global Impact Sourcing Initiative: all people have the opportunity to obtain productive employment. Inclusion Minimal impact on the Earth With employees leading our Citizen of the Planet initiatives in their communities, we are able to track...
S. Browridge structure and function in extant primates and Neanderthals. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 51, 83–96 (1979). Article Google Scholar Endo, B. Analysis of stresses around the orbit due to masseter and temporalis muscles respectively. J. Anthropol. Soc. Nippon 78, 251–266 (1970)...
CIA - The World Factbook -- Korea, North__ A detailed look at North Korea including history, culture, political structure, economy and many other items. - From US Central Intelligence Agency - ...
Obok a Study of Social Structure in Eurasia. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1958. Bade, David W. Khubilai Khan and the Beautiful Princess of Tumapel: The Mongols between History and Literature in Java. Ulaanbaatar:: A. ...
He had to fly in the face of adverse decisions. (Nations, December, 1891) Extensions of the expression includeto fly in the face of dangerandto fly in the face of providence, both of which carry a sense of reckless or impetuous disregard for safety. ...
Evolution of primate social structure.J. Human Evol., 6: 235–243. Article Google Scholar Kawai, M. 1958. On the rank system in a natural group of Japanese monkey (I) (II).Primates, 1: 111–148. (in Japanese with English summary) Article Google Scholar Kawamura, S. 1958. The ...
Since I saw many structure and finishes being dismantled altogether and thrown away, I often wondered if there was a better way. Maeda Bunka made deconstructing the work fun and they try to dismantle the pieces carefully to reuse the different materials again. When I was studying in the US,...
The structure of the SIoT is modeled to help navigate the nodes’ discovery, as we do in social networks. The establishment of trust through honesty among nodes can be addressed in SIoT to show the degree of interactions [7]. The ability of these objects to socialize with each other ...
A firm’s ability to seek and secure scarce resources through its CEO’s hierarchical, interorganizational, and social connections is the firm’s social capital. A 1998 survey of 188 firms in Guangzhou city shows that these firms vary tremendously in...