I’m the owner and head speech-language pathologist at Family First Speech Therapy in San Diego, CA. For over 20 years, I’ve been helping families thrive through improving communication skills. My team and I offer support for speech and language deficits, behaviors, ADHD, and more. We beli...
At Nicole Gerami, LLC, we use our years of speech-language pathology skills to help foster social and speech skills. Check out our programs and camps available.
Social skills as an instrument for speech therapydoi:10.1080/03634525209376572DunnHarriet MThe Speech Teacher
“Everyday Speech has made a huge impact on my students. The videos are wonderful for my high school students learning pragmatic language skills. I love that the videos cover so many goals that we are working in in speech and language therapy such as conversational skills, emotional regulation...
Believe it or not, Marshal, I believe in talk therapy, basic interpersonal skills. I have this radical idea that if you treat a patient with respect and listen to what he's trying to tell you, you just might reach him. (87) —Dennis Lehane ...
When first introducing adults to a social skills group, it is a good idea to ensure they understand what social skills are and why social skills are important. As a starting activity, write down different skills you want to teach on separate slips of paper and put them in a jar. Have th...
Speech therapy center in Princeton, Madison New Jersey. Need an occupational therapist, kids psychologist, executive functioning coach for your child? We can help!
scores in this study (see Supplemental Materials), and the field’s reliance on parent-report measures as a method for characterizing clinical phenotypes. Additionally, future research should also assess the impact of various therapeutic services (e.g., ABA, speech therapy, social skills training)...
(Rose et al., 2014). IPT-A is associated with a reduction in interpersonal difficulties, although these gains do not differ from those occurring for youth receiving another, active intervention, such ascognitive behavioral therapy(Duffy et al., 2019). Given the importance of friendships for ...
The Social Learning Platform (SLP) from Everyday Speech provides a simple, easy to use interface for accessing all of the therapy materials from Everyday Speech: Social Skills Videos, Games, Activities, and therapy tools. With hundreds of social skills videos and worksheet activities, dozens of ...