The following are threesocial skills activitiesI have found help children with ADHD because they can be practiced in a social-skills groups with same-aged peers AND outside of the office with the support of parents: “LEGO My Creation” ...
If you’re looking for some simple ways to incorporate social skills development into your social-emotional learning in the classroom, our teacher team has got your back. We’ve put together some of our favorite books that teach kids a variety of social skills, plus activities that you can...
“The parents we surveyed wanted short exercises to build social skills while students learn remotely. These activities would help students develop friendships, social norms and emotional awareness,” Stites and Sonnenschein write. Still, not all parents have the time or ability to develop these activ...
emotional learning be taught and modeled for students. The ways in which teachers interact with students, manage their stress, and even communicate with co-workers are great ways to model SEL skills. Not only that, social and emotional can be embedded in your everyday lessons and activities!
Drawing on research on health, coping, and achievement, this chapter examines ways in which these 2 factors jointly influence the motives underlying social comparison activity as well as reactions to particular kinds of comparison information. Specifically, I examine the degree to which an analysis ...
In this social skills lesson plan, students will get to practice identifying how to be a friend. Friendship is an important social skill for kindergarten students to master as they begin to form a new community of peers at school. Lesson Plan ...
How do social science professors enhance the skills of their students in handling the literature of their disciplines? Once again, modular approaches to student assignments can work wonders. The first module needs to establish the basic research statement (question, hypothesis, etc.) so that students...
I could have never foreseen this year’s learning curve. I would have never guessed a month ago that I would spend the last nine weeks, with this class, in a completely new classroom, a virtual world, where my honed skills had to be pushed, restructured and reimagined to conclude the ye...
To avoid mere terminological discussions, we will provisionally use ‘digital competence’ (DC) as an umbrella term to describe skills, knowledge and attitudes of indispensable importance in a digitised world, encompassing related terms and concepts inclusively. It includes the ‘confident, critical and...
skills contributed in different ways to the persistence of these intergenerational inequalities. On the one hand, educational equalization was compensated by increasing earning returns to education in several countries. On the other hand, the association between parents’ education and cognitive skills, ...