peaceful transitions of power between leaders and parties with divngent ideologies, no armed forces, and a high degree of political consensus and stability (the 1948 revolution was very brief and the ensuing Junta, led by Figueres, lasted IS months and, in 1949, returned power to the 1945 ele...
Ethiopia had to find a way out of the oppressive heritage of the feudal regime of Haile Selassie and the barbaric military junta of Mengistu, who had cultivated the idea that the country was the property of the Amhara elite, and that the others were all ignorant peasants. Ethiopian federalism...
In this context, numerous local companies strive to promote ethnocentrism, aiming to foster consumer preferences for local goods, encompassing products, services, and brands. The Spanish case serves as a paradigm, illustrating these practices and highlighting that news originates from media sources with...
Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla, España. 1998. Google Scholar Nieto-Romero M, Oteros-Rozas E, González JA, Martín-López B (2013) Exploring the knowledge landscape of ecosystem services assessments in Mediterranean agroecosystems: insights for future research. ...
Usage charges appeared as MM account surcharges, dependent on types and amount of transactions (Junta de Regulación Monetaria Financiera, 2016). Transactions did not consume air-time balance or SMS messages from the cell phone account. The costs of operating the system with telecom companies in... 3 According to figures from the European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA online data), the av...
Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas (JUNAEB) is the National School Aid and Scholarship Board. For more information, visit [accessed 10 January 2021]. The Learning on Line website is at
UNICEF, Fundacio Jaume Bofill & Junta de Andalucia (2005), ‘Nouveau visage de lamigration les mineurs non accompagnes, analyse transnationale du phénomènemigratoire des mineurs marocains vers l’Espagne’., E. (1982),...
Our Big Circus, written by Iakovos Kampanellis, is a political, satirical play staged in 1973–1974, during the military junta in Greece. Due to the anti-junta messages of the play, the protagonists were arrested and imprisoned for three months. ...
(accessed on 2 May 2023); Statistical information on community social services (Department of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality). NETGEFYS.