Social Bookmarking Allow users to store, tag and bookmark their favorite websites through a web-based login Users can categorize & classify content according to their own schemas December 10, 2007 Social Bookmarking (plug-in/extension) BlogMarks Furl Connotea Simpy Netvouz Ma.gnolia R...
Furthermore, we recognize the vital importance of all forms of documentation, and especially records, in mediating contemporary conflicts and disputes rooted in longstanding historical patterns of injustice, such as the recent spate of killings of African-Americanmen, women, and children at the rate ...
Categories:Connected Social Media,Corporate,Intel,Intel Chip Chat,Intel Developer Forum,Intel Moore's LawTags:bandwidth,David Fair,Geneseo,IBM,Intel,IntelMooresLaw,interoperability,PCI Express,PCI-SIG Talking with an IBM distinguished engineer about marketing ...