Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every piece of feedback, and take...
However, in the case where the individual in question has worked much of his or her life in a job that was not subject to Social Security taxation, and therefore earned only a small amount of income under Social Security taxation, the resulting Social Security benefit calculation (without WEP)...
In light of the advancements in information and communication technologies and growing concerns over environmental issues, environmental protection agencies are increasingly turning to official social media platforms to promote environmental governance, especially in rapidly developing nations. The adoption of ...
Geraldo de Sousa has also seen parallels between Hamlet and ‘Carmilla’, but specifically in the sense of how the two stories “undermine[] the security of boundaries” (de Sousa, 2010, pp.116-117). In one sense the vampire story very obviously tells us that when the ultimate boundary ...
explanation rests on the assumption that concern about environmental quality has some of the properties of a luxury good, which can be indulged only after more basic material needs such as adequate food, shelter, and economic security are met (see e.g., Liere and Dunlap,1980; Maslow,1970)...
The German government has launched the innovation competition "Digital Identities Showcase" to select and promote identity projects for data security and sovereignty. The funding amount is 50 million EUR to develop software, research practical use cases and implement them by 2024. Of course, this ...
What Users Do besides Problem-Focused Coping When Facing IT Security Threats: An Emotion-Focused Coping Perspective. MIS Q. 2019, 43, 373–394. [CrossRef] 114. Tencent Games The Introduction of King of Glory 2022. Available online: (accessed on...
4月25日,2024年北京国际汽车展览会盛大开幕,腾势汽车携其智能豪华产品矩阵强势登陆W4馆,其中,腾势Z9GT作为全球首发车型惊艳亮相。该车定位为智能豪华旗舰轿车,由比亚迪集团设计总监沃尔夫冈·艾格精心打造,再创设计巅峰。 腾势Z9GT秉承腾势全新设计理念“Elegance in motion——优雅之势”,艾格亲自操刀,巧妙融合东西方...
W4 - Hanging social-ecological-environmental system of the North East Asian Marginal Seas: New challenges for integrative marine science (FUTURE / POC)Takafumi YoshidaSunghyun NamPICES Press
Ministers have said they remained committed to the idea of a national care service and were taking time to ensure they get the proposals right, but the latest setback places its future in serious doubt. 鈥British Medical Journal Publishing GroupBMJ...