The Challenge of Measuring Effectiveness in Social Work: A Case Study of an Evaluation of a Drug and Alcohol Referral Service in Scotland: Table 1. This article explores the challenge of measuring effectiveness in social work, building from an evaluation of a service for those with drug- and ...
respectively. Larger and more transitive groups were associated with less substance use, but worse mental wellbeing. Addressing the methodological gap regarding the influence
Understanding social enterprise: a case study of the childcare sector in Scotland[J] . Paul Hare,Declan Jones,Gemma Blackledge.Social Enterprise Journal . 2007 (1)Hare, P., Jones, D., & Blackledge, G. (2007). Understanding social enterprise: A case study of the childcare sector in ...
Special Section: Gender, Power and Use of evidence in policy Feminising Politics to Close the Evidence-Policy Gap: The Case of Social Policy in Scotland Section: Gender, Power and Use of evidence in policy Feminising Politics to Close the Evidence-Policy Gap: The Case of Social Policy in ...
but one that had momentous consequences for the economies in the long run. Scotland occupied a disproportionately large place in the evolution of these institutions. The flourishing of Scottish applied science and engineering in the eighteenth century have prompted some scholars to think of the Scottis...
The Partisan Child: Developmental Provocation as a Model of Political Socialization While recent research highlights the child's active role in her own political socialization, this study represents the first test of the premise that polit...
Secretaries of State for Health and Social Security, England, Wales and Scotland (1989).Caring for people: Community care in the next decade and beyond. HMSO, London. Google Scholar Shearer, A. (1986).Building community. Campaign for People with Mental Handicaps & King Edward’s Hospital Fund...
MacKinnonMacKinnon, K. (1972) `Education and Social Control: The Case of Gaelic Scotland.' Scottish Educational Studies. 4. pp. 125-37.
SMC Stirling Management Centre (Stirling, Scotland) SMC Social Marketing Company (Bangladesh) SMC Squared Multiple Correlation SMC Social Marginal Cost (economics) SMC Schweizerischer Marketing Club (Swiss marketing forum) SMC Single Mother by Choice SMC Saturday Morning Cartoons SMC Security Mortgage Corp...
Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU, while England and Wales voted strongly for Brexit. NEXIM Bank says new facilities to improve competitiveness of Nigerian non-oil exports NEXIM Bank said improved export financing for exporters will enable them to...