Most important, never give out your Social Security number. You also can report the fraudsters via the agency'sInspector General website. Alternatively, you can call the OIG Fraud Hotline at 1-800-269-0271. "Tell your friends and family about scam calls to protect them," Ennis said. Sinc...
"Thank you for calling Social Security. Our website, w w w dot s s a dot g o v, is the best way to get help. Please be of individuals impersonating Social Security employees over the phone. If you suspect you have received a scam call, you should report details of the call to th...
Governments globally are intensifying anti-scam measures, introducing new guidelines to banks, telecom providers and other key sectors to bolster security controls and mitigate fraud risks for consumers and businesses. Some new frameworks threaten to levy stiff penalties for non-compliance. Article Lawsu...
Governments globally are intensifying anti-scam measures, introducing new guidelines to banks, telecom providers and other key sectors to bolster security controls and mitigate fraud risks for consumers and businesses. Some new frameworks threaten to levy stiff penalties for non-compliance. Article Lawsu...
Luckily, the woman didn’t fall for the scam. But the scary truth is that your SSN could be vulnerable, even if you avoid scams like this. According to the latest research [*]: Stolen data – including millions of Social Security numbers — can be bought on the Dark Web for as little...
. The only prevention for a crime like this is spreading the word, so that others don't fall for the same social engineering trick. That’s why Shaw is helping bring together more than a dozen of other victims of the same scam to minimize damage and call for greater creator security....
In this episode of the Nonprofit News Feed, George Weiner, Chief Whaler of Whole Whale, and Nick Azulay, Digital Strategist, delve into pressing nonprofit sector issues, with a focus on cybersecurity threats and global funding challenges. They also highlight a significant philanthropic initiative by...
In addition to monthly content and scam alerts, we launched three campaigns which gained national coverage. RBC continues to share thought leadership in cyber security through all mediums – print, television, social media, and radio. Cyber talent and innovation RBC is a founding partner of the ...
Immer wieder berichten uns Kund*innen von Anrufen, die sie angeblich von der Microsoft-Hotline erhalten. Die vorgeblichen Supportmitarbeiter*innen informieren darüber, dass der Support für Windows bald endet, und bieten Hilfe für den Umstieg auf Windows 10 an. Um den Druck zu erhöhen, ...
How Can I Report a Social Security Scam? To report a scam, call the SSA's national fraud hotline phone number: 1-800-269-0271. You can also report fraud by filling out the onlineSSA Scam Reporting Form.10 What Is Phishing? Phishing is a type of identity theft in which the victim un...