Social Security Number by State SSN有哪些类型? 【1】上面只有你的姓名和号码。这种卡只发给美国公民和永久居民(绿卡持有者),持这种社安卡的人在美国工作不受限制。 【2】除了印有你的姓名和号码以外,上面还有“VALID FOR WORK ONLY WI...
美国社会安全卡的英文全称就是“Social Security Card”. 社会安全卡上面的9位数字就是 “Social Security Number”, 简称为SSN。社会安全号码一般写成类似818-89-9988格式。二,社会安全号码有什么用途 社会安全号码以前的用途多是用来报税,纳税人用自己社会安全号码报税,退休后领取退休金。如今社会安全号码的功用被...
社会安全卡SSC(Social Security Card)是美国人向政府申报收入及记录缴税的个人户口,卡上登记着社会安全卡持有人的姓名及一个九位数的社会安全号码,社会安全号码SSN(Social Security Number)是一个税号,社会安全号码由美国税务机关国税局(IRS) 在出生时为美国公民签发。 在美国每一位受薪人士,除了要向联邦及地方政府缴...
As soon as you arrive in the US on a work visa, you should apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) as soon as possible. The SSN is required for the following
Testimony issued by the Government Accountability Office with an that begins "To lawfully work in the United States, individuals must have a valid Social Security number (SSN) and, if they are not citizens, authorization to work from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Noncitizens seeking...
The two restricted types of Social Security cards are: One reads, “not valid for employment.” Such social security cards cannot be used as proof of work authorization. Additionally, they are also not acceptable as a List C document on the I-9 form. ...
3,work permit 全名是EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION CARD 发放部门是U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 并不是什么移民局发 移民局不管这摊事儿就 是由国土安全局发 一般工作不是很需要 除非大型企业 不然的话 一般SSN加本州ID就管用 不过还是有比较好 如果你在纽约市 我能帮你推荐不错的移民事务...
Some foreign-born individuals are eligible for one of three kinds of Social Security cards depending in part on their immigration status: (1) regular cards, (2) those valid for work only with authorization from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and (3) those that are not valid ...
holders.TheSSAnowallowsonlythosenon-immigrantvisaholderswhoare“work authorizedorworkeligible”toobtainaSocialSecuritynumber.Thosewhodonothave employmentauthorization,butmaystillneedataxidentificationnumbercanapplyfor anIndividualTaxIdentificationNumber(ITIN)fromtheInternalRevenueService(IRS). ...