[Visual Basic]Public Class SocialSecurityNumber Inherits ApplicationControlWithPostbackAndDtmf [C#]public class SocialSecurityNumber : ApplicationControlWithPostbackAndDtmf [C++]public __gc class SocialSecurityNumber : ApplicationControlWithPostbackAndDtmf [JScript]public function SocialSecurityNumber extends ...
NaturalNumber Class for Spanish (United States) (User Language Support for Spanish (United States); Speech Application SDK) Phone Class for Spanish (United States) (User Language Support for Spanish (United States); Speech Application SDK) SocialSecurityNumber Class for Spanish (United States)...
SocialSecurityNumber Constructor for Spanish (United States) (User Language Support for Spanish (United States); Speech Application SDK) Properties Methods Events Client Object SpeechControlContainer Class for Spanish (United States) (User Language Support for Spanish (United States); Speech Applicatio...
SocialSecurityNumber Client Object for Spanish (United States) 项目 2006/10/16 展开表 复制 class SocialSecurityNumber { public string ActiveQAPhase { get; } } Properties ActiveQAPhase A string that contains the name of the currently active internal QA. Application authors can use this...
Animal advocacy is a complex phenomenon. As a social movement encompassing diverse moral stances and lifestyle choices, veganism and vegetarianism (veg*) are at its core, and animal testing raises as a notably contentious issue within its members. This p
Spanish / Español Select a language: AI N ABBR 1.=Amnesty International→AIf 2.=artificial intelligence→IAf 3.=artificial insemination Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993,...
For security reasons, we strongly recommend you to also sign out whenever you’re done using the tool. During play mode, there are a few options you can select to customize a conversation you’re currently handling. Reminder You can set a reminder for yourself. This will come in handy ...
advising clients and internal teams on nature-related financial risks and the integration of sustainability into corporate and investment decision-making.Collaborate with research and technical teams to translate scientific knowledge into actionable risk management solutions, ensuring practical applicability for ...
PS! :It’s important to click the stop button whenever you take a break or when you’re finished for the day because it will impact our average response time. For security reasons, we strongly recommend you to also sign out whenever you’re done using the tool. ...
The Social Security Administration provides interpreters free of charge. You can call 800-772-1213 to speak with an interpreter who speaks Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Farsi, French, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, or ...