To place a fraud alert on your Social Security number, contact any of the three credit bureaus and make sure to report that the fraud is related to your Social Security number. How do thieves profit from stolen Social Security cards? Someone can use a stolen Social Security card to open ne...
Once identity thieves have viewed yourSocial Securitynumber, there's no going back. However, there are things you can do to keep your Social Security number safe and limit the risk that a stolen number can be used against you. Here's what to consider when keeping your Social S...
What to do if your identity has already been stolen If you're already the victim of identity theft, here are a few steps you can take to recover your identity, according to the Justice Department's Offices for Victims of Crime: Make sure you place a fraud alert on your credit report...
That hacker claimed the stolen files include 2.7 billion records, with each listing a person's full name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and phone number, Bleeping Computer said. While it's unclear how many people that includes, it's likely "that everyone with a Social Secur...
Keep your Social Security card in a secure place at home or in asafe deposit boxat the bank. If your card is lost or stolen, you’ll want to apply for a new one. Similarly, you should keep any documents that contain your SSN, such as your tax returns, in a secure place. If some...
What Should You Do If Your Social Security Number Is Stolen? Identity thieves are everywhere. Contact the Social Security Administration if you suspect that your number is stolen. The agency can help fix problems related to income. If you have problems with your credit, you must contact your ...
Your Social Security number (SSN) is a critical piece of personal information that influences many aspects of your life. If it gets exposed or stolen, the consequences can be severe—you could become a victim of financial fraud, and bogus activity linked to your Social Security number could re...
If your Social Security Number is stolen, report the theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), place a fraud alert or security freeze on your credit reports, monitor your financial accounts for suspicious activity, and consider contacting the SSA for further guidance. ...
Small changes of a few points up or down are normal, but if it suddenly jumps or plunges unexpectedly you should get a fresh copy of your credit report to see why it changed. Review your Social Security Statement One thing criminals may do with a stolen Soci...