It is also a significant and direct threat to the Union’s public order and security.” (European Commission 2022) In doing so the EU took a further step, at least since the occupation of Crimea in 2014, towards its continuous consideration of Kremlin-sponsored disinformation as being part ...
Security System Human Resources System Training Assessment ESG Management Structure The Company has a complete ESG governance structure. There are four committees at the Board level. The Strategic and Sustainability Development (ESG) Committee comprises of nine Board members, including four executive ...
Intuitively, the ability of identifying the person who is giving a com- mand enhances the security of the system itself. It is worth to mention the article "Amazon's Alexa started ordering people dollhouses after hearing its name on TV ", 1 in which the 1
(1)33- Economicschallenge Facingindia Ch.4FoodSecurity2(2)13,143(1)254(1)34-18(8) 133 vCh.3ManmadeDisasters1(1)153(1)26-- DisasterCh.4Communitybased1(1)163(1)27--8(4) Manage-DisasterManagement ment Total16(16)33(11)28(7)3(1)80(35) Sr.No.ofQuestions1-1617-2728-34351-35 ...
explanation rests on the assumption that concern about environmental quality has some of the properties of a luxury good, which can be indulged only after more basic material needs such as adequate food, shelter, and economic security are met (see e.g., Liere and Dunlap,1980; Maslow,1970)...
Complex. 2019, 5, 77 3 of 16 security, health, education, and housing have developed, and in the first half of 1970, personal social service was added as a fifth form of social service [16]. In the United States, the concept of social service refers to a consulting-based service that...
country-of-origin labeling and traceability Global water crisis and future food security in an era of climate change Smallholder market participation: Concepts and evidence from eastern and southern Africa Consumer acceptance, valuation of and attitudes towards genetically modified food: Review and implicat...
In addition, the assistance of local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) enhanced their land security, financial, and technical capacity to invest in acacia forestry. As a result, they gained more forest land than before, and the resulting income became an important source of ...
Oil spills cause socioeconomic and ecological damage to the marine environment and local communities. Implementing policies to effectively cope with such incidents is a challenging task due to the negative public perceptions about governmental responses.