Social SecurityMarriageDisabilitySupplemental Security IncomeIn 2018, the Social Security Administration paid benefits to 1.1 million Disabled Adult Child (DAC) beneficiaries. Adults qualify for DAC benefits if they haveSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The current study investigates the moderating effect of perceived social support on associations between child maltreatment severity and adult trauma symptoms. We extend the existing literature by examining the roles of severity of multiple maltreatment types (i.e., sexual, physical, and emotional abuse...
and conveyinformation in support of sexual relationships between adults and children to determine whether thesesites were structured as learning environments for crimes involving the sexual exploitation of children.The findings indicate that the adult-child sex advocacy websites examined are criminogenic in...
With fast-growing technology, online social networks (OSNs) have exploded in popularity over the past few years. The pivotal reason behind this phenomenon
Social Security In 1861, Russia freed the serfs and returned independence to universities. Departments of hygiene were established in the university medical schools in the 1860s and 1870s to train future hygienists, and to carry out studies of sanitary and health conditions in manufacturing industrie...
With mobilenetworks and Internet hotspots providing points of access away from institutions andfamily homes the ID person may seek the freedom to connect and venture online without understanding security for their identity or the potential false identities of socialnetworking. This paper discusses ...
It's one of those things though, where there's that moment when you're a kid or an adult, where you do first look at the sun and you're like, ah. And then you're like, now you really want to look at it again all the time. ...
Narrow eligibility criteria means only a small percentage of the disabled population have access to LTCI. The criteria in most pilot studies exclude mild and moderate cognitive impairments. In contrast, the Japanese system provides support for those ≥65 years old based on need alone, including ...
The promise of social security was used as part of a commercial advertising rhetoric employed by contemporary prosthetists. As O’ Connor contends: “The discourse of prosthesis is … infused with class consciousness, suggesting that man cannot occupy a meaningful social position unless he is physica...
Child Benefits:A child or adult child with a disability may be eligible for Social Security benefits if the parent receives retirement or disability benefits. The child must be under 18, a high school student up to 19, or an unmarried adult who became disabled before age 22.10Family income li...