"Always In Your Best Interest" “Always In Your Best Interest!” Close ONLINE BANKING Username Password LOGIN Forgot Password Enroll Here At Social Security Credit Union, Once a Member, Always a Member! BECOME A MEMBER PAY MY LOAN FIND AN ATM ...
We believe there can be no military or security solution to the conflict. There must be a political solution. It should be based on an end to the military occupation of Palestinian territory and the blockade of Gaza, and respect for Palestinian rights including the right to self-determination....
the bundling of peace attributes is expressed in many ways. For instance, allusion to rituals, overarching institutions, peace leadership, interconnectedness, and security interdependence appear in this passage on the Iroquois: “Initiating new
“We saw a reduction in male earnings or a reduction in male employment and a corresponding reduction in marriage and rise in the share of kids born outside of marital union. So, there is a causal effect here, economic shocks that have widened inequality hurt the economic security of non-...
(8) IE: In security, weshould neverforget about the dangers and in times of peace, weshould alwaysbe alert to the potentials for chaos. Dimension 5: Abstract vs. non-abstract information Dimension 5 distinguishes discourses that are “abstract, technical and formal from other types of discourse...
He held the research and academic position at KU Leuven, City University of London, and Birmingham University, U.K. He is currently working as a Research Professor with the Faculty of ITEE, University of Oulu, Finland. He worked extensively on information processing, data mining, and text ...
Sadly the worst damage inflicted by the Iraq invasion was not that done to the hundreds of thousands of displaced or ended lives, or the destroyed homes, infrastructure and cultural symbols that nurtured those lives. No, the most serious damage was that by ignoring the Security Council, the US...
“Weathering the Storm: The Jewish Community in Birmingham, Alabama, During the Civil Rights Revolution,”Suzanne F. Nosselwrites that Jewish leaders (see screenshot) “were forced to accept that Rabbi Grafman voiced a sentiment common in Birmingham when he said, ‘the lives of one thousand ...
Bespoke security solutions. (2016) Slogans of Prospect (UK) The union for professionals. (2008) Slogans of Prospects (UK) Access to life. (2009) Slogans of Prostate Cancer Foundation (US) It’s time to act. Like a man. (2004) Slogans of Public Campaign (UK) Think! Help the eme...
Even within the most sophisticated organisations, computer systems often don’t talk to each other, which results in endless recitations of security catechisms every time you’re transferred from one human (or robot) to another. Provided, of course, that your call doesn’t drop while you’re ...