Comprehensive and meticulously documented facts about Social Security. Learn about Social Security's taxes, benefits, financial status, reform options, and more.
I have been putting off calling Social Security to change my name after my marriage because I knew that the phone lines would probably be ridiculous. The Social Security office is known for being backed up, and the service is notoriously bad. Some of this is probably not their fault, but ...
In the end, it was an unnecessary request. I was back inside in less than 30 seconds as everyone looked on with that patented deer-in-the-headlights look, after I'd calmly breached a quarter-of-a-million-dollar security system with no indication that I'd ever touched it. This was not...
You can apply online for a new Social Security Card using your "my Social Security Account" at You are limited to three replacement cards per year and up to ten in a lifetime Obtaining a Replacement Card Online Fortunately, the Social Security Administration has a simp...
Reward points can only be redeemed after 3 months from when they were earned. Before this they will be shown under Pending Reward Points Please note that Stitch rewards are just tokens of appreciation. For example, when you reach 12,000 Reward points you can either extend your Community member...
This hypothesis is supported by the empirical results, which show that in fighting policy loopholes, individuals with high victim sensitivity are more likely to turn to themselves rather than the government to perform self-protection behavior, thus obtaining a sense of security to help alleviate any...
If you are quick, you can jump-in with, ‘Please just tell me the abridged version,’ or words to that effect. If you aren’t on your game, people will start with the years following their marriage in the 50’s and progress in painful increments. ...
Marriage after all is more than just changing status, it is actually a whole new life with someone who thinks the world of you. Yet what if there are things a betroth needs to know regarding an intended spouse’s true financial conditions? Like some student loan that is still hounding a...
The law, for example, still makes it almost impossible for a woman to use her maiden name after marriage. Meanwhile, divorce rates are low by Western standards, because achieving financial independence or even obtaining a credit card in one's own name is an insurmountable ...
As for the control variable, the results attest that the following factors are significantly and positively correlated with individual SWB: political belief, marriage, education, income, social security, housing condition, and household size. There is a U-shaped relationship between age and SWB in ...