social security insurance 【经】 社会保障事业保险 social security number phr. 社会安全号码,社会保险号 Social security institution 社会保险机构 相似单词 benefits n.benefit的复数形式 1.优势,益处,成效 2.福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金) 3.(公司提供的)福利,奖金;(保险公司支付的)给付,保险...
Jan. 3, 2024:If you started claiming Social Security before May 1997 or if get both Social Security and SSI benefits, you'll get the new COLA in a Dec. 29, 2023 check and your Social Security payment on January 3. Jan. 10,2024:If your birthday falls between the ...
你好,这句话的翻译是“社会保障福利 ”答题不易,望采纳,谢谢
Social Security retirement benefits are for workers 62 and older who have earned at least 40 credits. The size of your benefit checks depends on your average indexed monthly earnings (AIME) over your 35 highest-earning years, and the age at which you begin benefits. ...
Social Security Benefits, Properly Deposited, Are Safe from Most Creditors
1. How Benefits Are Calculated Benefits are based on your lifetime earnings. Your actual earnings are adjusted or “indexed” to account for changes in average wages since the year the earnings were received. Then Social Security calculates your average indexed monthly earnings during the 35 years...
“Social Security benefits are calculated from the 35 years of work in which your salary was at its highest,” says Mark Bodnar, CFP, wealth advisor at Octavia Wealth Advisors in Cincinnati. “This is important to consider, because if you have not worked for 35 years, zeros will be factore...
first withdrew social security deductions from military members' paychecks, military wages were very low. Congress has since established programs that provide additional social security credits for many veterans. Veterans should have their discharge papers with them when they apply for social security. ...
Social Security benefits are payments made to qualified retired adults and people with disabilities, and to their spouses, children, and survivors. Social Security—officially theOld-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)program in the U.S.—is a comprehensive federal benefits program design...
The amount of your Social Security benefit is calculated using the 35 highest-earning years of your lifetime. The sum of those earnings is then divided by the number of months in those years. The Social Security Administration also factors in the age at which you choose to take benefits. If...