Social Sciences & Humanities Open is an exciting new multidisciplinary, open access journal. Social Sciences & Humanities Open (SSHO) is a fully open access scientific journal covering all areas of the social sciences, economics, and humanities. We adhere to the highest scientific standards by …...
How to write a great abstract for your academic manuscript, Social Sciences & Humanities Open,Elsevier, September 2020 你已经收集了你的数据,分析了你的发现,写了你的手稿,在你提交论文之前所要做的就是写摘要。又快又简单,对吧?但是等等! 尽管事实上摘要是几乎所有学术文章中最明显、阅读量最高的部分,但...
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《Humanities & Social Sciences Communications》作为一本完全OA开放获取的在线期刊,专注于人文社科领域的研究发布。值得一提的是,该期刊是Springer Nature出版社在社科领域的唯一SSCI期刊,因此具有较高的学术认可度。自23年起,该期刊的发文量显著增长,为作者提供了更多的发表机会。对于时间充裕的学者来说,现在投稿...
We publish a wide range of open access journals in Humanities andSocial Sciences. We invite you to learn more about the journals, view their metrics, explore our research articles, get to know our excellent author's services, and submit your research. ...
ArticleOpen Access07 Mar 2025 Immigrants’ consumption choices: evidence from Korea’s food service industry Yinhua Quan Youngjune Kim Jeongbin Im ArticleOpen Access07 Mar 2025 Previouspage page1 page2 page3 … page212 Nextpage Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun)...
据青岛科技大学消息,青岛科技大学法学院李鑫教授团队在Humanities & Social Sciences Communications期刊2024年5月发表学术论文“A critical examination of environmental public interest litigation in China - reflection on China’s environmental authoritarianism”。该论文的第一作者&通讯作者为李鑫教授,第二作者为李鑫教...
Open Access Fees and Funding All articles published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found here....
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谷歌学术收录英文国际期刊: International journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences《国际教育、人文和社会科学杂志》征稿 ISSN: 3078-3453 (0)/ 3078-3445 (P) 发刊周期:月刊 征稿方向:教育、人…