results of a research project conducted bytheSocial Sciences ResearchCentre of the University of Hong Kong on social causes of juvenile crime. (a) 青少年罪犯問題常務委員會將於短期內審議這個問題,以及香港大學社會科學研究㆗心就青少年犯罪的社會成因進行研究所得的結果。
捡漏 香港中文大学(深圳) 港中深 CUHKSZ 人文社科学院 24fall新开 计算社会科学硕士 MSc in Computational Social Science 社科+data/AI 想转码还是建议直接CS 本科背景要求 :具有良好的数据分析能力,对社会问…
a survey bytheSocial ScienceResearch Centre of the University of Hong Kong commissioned [...] 大家對於這一點的看法是一致 的,而我們去年委託香港大學社會科學研究中心所進行一項有關殘疾人士使 用交通工具習慣的調查結果,亦支持這個論點。
Sau Po Centre on Ageing; 秀圃老年研究中心 - focuses on enhancing the quality of life of older adults through multi-disciplinary collaboration in gerontology research, education, and policy advocacy. Department of Sociology; 社會學系 Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science; 統計及精算學系 ...
捡漏 香港大学 港大 HKU 社科学院24fall新开 Master of Social Sciences in the field of Social Data Analytics SDA 社会数据分析 社科硕士 社科+data 主要还是奔港大的名气 加一点tech 想转码还是建议直接CS 本科专业要求:Anthropology, Cognitive Science, Communication, Economics, Education Studies, Ethnic Studies...
This study was financially supported by Guangdong Natural Science Fund (General Programme: 2023A1515012446), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant #42101249), and the University of Hong Kong HKU-100 Scholars Fund, Guizhou Province Natural Science Research Project (Qian Jiao Ji [20...
YH is a DrPH student in Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Georgia Southern University. YY is an MS student in the Department of Computer Science, the University of Georgia. CHC is a PhD student in the Journalism and Media Studies Center, the University of Hong Kong.Abbreviations...
Post-Graduate Program in Health Science, Santo Amaro University (UNISA), Santo Amaro, Brazil Luiz Henrique Silva Nali & André L. L. Bachi Department of Periodontology, UT Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA Debora Heller Contributions ...
We conducted our review following the PRISMA checklist and searched the literature comprehensively in May 2021 via six electronic databases: MEDLINE, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO, and CINAHL Plus. Articles were included if they met our inclusion criteria in the five domains: population...
Master's in Public Relations & Corporate Communications ● UCL电影研究硕士 MA Film Studies 2. 社会学 ● 加州大学伯克利分校计算社会科学硕士 Master of Computational Social Science (MaCSS) ● 香港大学社会数据分析社会科学硕士 Master of Social Sciences in the field of Social Data Analytics ...