Social Sciences/History Work Sheet Library The social science and history lessons below have been selected from the resources of Teacher Created Resources. (Click on the advertisement above for a complete catalog of Teacher Created Resources teacher-ready activities.) The lessons are arranged by grade...
Social Science Bites3790Insights,Social Science Bites Caring makes us human. This is one of the strongest ideas one could infer from the work that developmental psychologist Alison Gopnik is discovering in her work on child development, cognitive economics and caregiving. ...
In other words, cyberbullying is also the name given to hate messages sent via e-mails, Social Networking Services (SNS, Twitter or Facebook) or electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), due to the fact that PCs and mobile phones have become available. Cyberbullying is considered to be a ...
We recruited 783 participants from China via an online survey system from the school psychology department. All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were under the ethical standards of the Department of Psychology Institutional Review Board (reference number: IRB/ 23-014) and wit...
In political science, civic responsibility refers to “a political member’s belief that he or others should participate in the political process without regard to whether the political activity is worthwhile or costly [47]”. A sense of responsibility is the subjective consciousness of the subject...
#hcsmRis a collaboration between Symplur andStanford Medicine X. Be notified of the latest research articles and research opportunities:
Behavioral Science at the Crossroads in Public Health: Extending Horizons, Envisioning the Future. Social Science & Medicine 62(7):1650–1671. Article Google Scholar Goffman, Erving. 1967. Interaction Ritual; Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books. Google ...
Suicide among school-age children is a serious issue in Japan, exacerbated by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Collaboration and cooperation between schools—where children spend much of their time—and medical/welfare services are indispensable. H
Nigel Warburton:Given the social sciences aren’t always great predictors of what’s going to happen because of the persistence of the unforeseen in human affairs, how can you tell good sociology, good social science from bad? Rom Harré:Well again that’s very difficult to do. There’s ver...
This is Moreno’s first use of the term “sociometry.” Using his professional connections within the refugee camp, he describes his attempts to put his sociometric ideas into action, suggesting the movement of families based on their mutual connections, preferences, and shared identities. He notic...