Thesocial sciences, originating from the discipline of philosophy, have had a rough road establishing credibility within academia. Whether it be psychology,sociology,political scienceor some other subject area, the social sciences have struggled to be recognized as “scientific” and thus to find accep...
第一章 社会科学中的“科学” The Science in Social Science1.1. 导言如何设计研究方案。怎样提出研究问题。开展学术研究并进行有效的描述和因果推论。the essential logic underlying all social scientific research.1.1.1 Two Styles of Research, One Logic of Inference页1作者认为有一个底层的推论逻辑( the logi...
Wieman is one of a growing number of Stanford professors who are bringing this “active learning” approach to their courses. His aspiration is to move science education away from the lecture format, toward a model that is more active and more engaged. 28. What problem did Carl Wieman have ...
A Review is an authoritative, balanced and scholarly survey of recent developments in a clearly defined area of research. Although Reviews should be recognised as scholarly by specialists in the field, they should be written with a view to informing non-specialist readers. Thus, Reviews should be...
According to most social scientists, socialization essentially represents the whole process of learning throughout the life course and is a central influence on the behaviour, beliefs, and actions of adults as well as of science ...
Likewise, higher degrees of stratification mean that changes in the water system will not have equivalent effects on all actors. A long strand of social science research documents the unequal exposure to environmental risk by race, gender, social class, and place, which can intersect to shape vul...
Social science started to be recognised as a distinct subject area in the nineteenth century (Thompson,1824). Today, the expression ‘social science’ or ‘social sciences’ is applied to the branch of science concerned with society and human behaviours. It includes disciplines such as psychology,...
But real science and engineering almost always involves designing new experiments, incorporating new data into our analyses, and trying out new substantive models. From that perspective, looking at post-selection inference is fine—it represents a sort of minimal adjustment of an analysis, in the ...
Interplay of student characteristics multidimensional engagement and influencing factors in online computer science education Article Open access 26 February 2025 Introduction With the rapid development of information technology, online learning has become an integral part of modern education. China possesses ...
Finally, academic libraries may be well positioned to help address another area of reputational anxiety for higher education institutions, namely concerns around the reproducibility of research studies. Libraries can leverage their skills in information retrieval, research data management and scholarly ...