Saunders, P., Naidoo, Y. & Griffiths, M. (2007). Towards new indicators of disadvantage: deprivation and social exclusion in Australia. Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW.
Today’s guest researcher is Dr B.J. Newton. B.J. is a proud Wiradjuri woman and a Scientia Senior Research Fellow based at the Social Policy Research Centre within the University of NSW, Sydney. Dr Newton specialises in Indigenous research methods and child protection research and policy. He...
Cross, T. L., Friesen, B. J., & Maher, N. (2007). Successful strategies for improving the lives of American Indian and Alaska native youth and families. Focal Point: Research, Policy, and Practice in Children’s Mental Health: Effective Interventions for Underserved Populations, 21, 10–1...
We help people strengthen and use their evidence base, providing services in evaluation, social research, strategy and design, facilitation and capacity.
Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia Limin Mao Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service, Diversity Programs and Strategy Hub, Population Health, Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia Donatella Cifali NSW Ministry of Health, Sydney, Australia Cherie Power Departmen...
A community survey in New South Wales of men who have sex with men shows the class selectiveness usual in such research. An exploration of correlates of labour market position, income and education finds few relationships with attachment to milieu except for involvement with gay organisations, and...
To bolster Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare and support the training of future First Nations health workers, the NSW Government has committed $1.48m to upgrade the training headquarters of the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council (AH&MRC) located in Little Bay. ...
Nsw wcic NSW Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, Csiro Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Nsw syd cc NSW Sydney City Council, Nsw epa NSW Environment Protection Authority, Vic stagov Victoria state government, Nsw dept enviro NSW Department of Environment, MDBA Murray...
Well-being has been touted for many years as a critical factor in achieving positive outcomes for students in schools across Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and globally. Despite extensive reporting of student well-being concerns, further research is ne
The Centre for Health Record Linkage: fostering population health research in NSW. public health, government, population health, disease, infection, health, surveillance, healthcare, health economics, NSW, CSIRO, CSIRO PUBLISHING, publications, science, educational, scientific, journal, journals, NSW, ...