Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology is a scholarly journal dedicated to diverse aspects of psychiatric disorders' epidemiology and particularly ...
In this way, research articles keep social psychology vibrant(生气勃勃的). A study can inspire new research in a number of different ways, such as: (1) it can lead one to conduct a better test of the hypotheses, trying to rule out alternative(另类的)explanations of the findings; (2) ...
Read the latest chapters of Journal of Experimental Social Psychology at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Social psychology is only one level of explanation in understanding human behavior. We are not in competition with other scientific disciplines, therefore if our results are valid they should fit the insights from other scholarly approaches. Human emotion for example may also be explained by physi...
Read the latest articles of Journal of Experimental Social Psychology at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
While gender inequalities in employment (paid public work) and domestic and reproductive labour (unpaid private work) are a prominent focus within the sociological literature, gender inequalities in volunteering (unpaid public work) have received much less scholarly attention. We analyse a unique longitu...
Read the latest articles of Journal of Experimental Social Psychology at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Social, Personality, Clinical, and Health Psychology Tributaries: The Merging of a Scholarly "River of Dreams" Results of a survey from the contents of six 1998 journals in social, clinical, personality, and health psychology allow one to conclude that interface research in these fields is ...
Personality & Social Psychology Review (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)Snyder, C. R., Tennen, H., Affleck, G., & Cheavens, J. (2000). Social, personality, clinical, and health psychology tributaries: The merging of a scholarly river of dreams. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 16-...
Thesocial sciencesrefer to a large number of disciplines and interdisciplinary fields that in their own right constitute more than a single profession.1Disciplines like economics,political science, psychology, andsociologyhave their own specialized training, expertise, reward structures, associations, network...