Part I Crime and Criminal Justice in Context Part II The Police Service: Putting Care First Part III The Police Force: Being in Control Part IV An Overview of the Criminal Justice System Part V The Youth Question Part VI The Adult Courts Part VII Prisons and Penal Policy Part VIII ...
Adult Crime and Social Policy, Daniel Glaser, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1972, 128 Pages, $5:95. Hardbounddoi:10.1080/00220612.1973.10671956VernonFloridaFoxFloridaInformaworldJournal of Education for Social Work
Crime and Social Policy discusses the criminal justice system in England and Wales in an accessible and engaging manner. This title guides students through the system's complexities, reviewing its history, highlighting current problems, and offering recommendations as to where and how it can be impro...
1 European Journal of CriminologyUSA50%similarity2 European Journal on Criminal Policy and ResearchNLD46%similarity3 Criminology and Criminal JusticeGBR46%similarity4 British Journal of CriminologyGBR45%similarity5 Journal of Contemporary Criminal JusticeUSA40%similarity6 Trends in Organized CrimeUSA40%simila...
Crime, Law and Social Change is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research addressing crime at all levels globally. Explores financial and ...
Organized Crime Original Original entry Original Intent Original Jurisdiction Original Writ Originalia Origination Fee Origins of U.S. Government Origo rei inspici debet Ornament Orphan Orphanage Orphanage/US social policy Orphanotrophi Orphan's Court ...
Rather, this research indicates that complex 'alliances' and co-operation exist between armed organisations and civilians and will evolve in relation to challenges and opportunities presented by public policy-making and changing patterns on territorial control. Conclusions drawn from this paper suggest ...
Crime and Social Policy discusses the criminal justice systemin England and Wales in an accessible and engaging manner. Thistitle guides students through the system's complexities, reviewingits history, highlighting current problems, and offeringrecommendations as to where and how it can be improved.您...
SPOL20050社会政策和发展(Social Policy and Development) SPOL20034强者的伤害(Harms of the Powerful) SPOL20042工作和工作安置:社会政策(Work and Work Placements: Social Policy) SPOL20064犯罪、伤害和金钱(Crime, Harm and Money) POLI21213发展研究(Development Studies) POLI21214欧洲的合作与一体化(Co-operation...