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data-science data machine-learning awesome twitter sentiment-analysis social-networks social-network dataset awesome-list datasets social-network-analysis Updated Nov 27, 2023 danielcaldas / react-d3-graph Star 821 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Interactive and configurable graphs with ...
The probabilities of network members being selected for a ministep is governed by a separate “rate” function. And the baseline rate parameterλis a kind of intercept for the amount of network change between successive observations of the analysed network. Larger baseline rates indicate that, on ...
Specifically: (i) it is plausible that the migration process continued beyond the temporal boundaries captured by our dataset; (ii) we focused solely on the network of users who explicitly disclosed their migration, not accounting for users who might have migrated silently and not considering any ...
Search by URL, IP, file hash, network indicator, view timeline of dns-queries and http-connections, download files for detailed analyze. SearXNG— Free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. No tracking. Can be used over Tor searchall.net— 75...
s language development and social network. Physical proximity and verbal communication of hundreds of pre-school children and their teachers are recorded over three years using autonomous wearable low power wireless devices. The dataset is accompanied with three annotated ground truth datasets, which ...
Having a larger dataset allows us to survey and compare ego networks of various people. We derive ego networks by running a breath-first search (described in Breadth-First Traversal), and limiting the depth of our search (network radius) to a small value, usually not more than 3. While ...
So they are looking at a setting where multicalibration approaches have a chance given realistic dataset sizes. Multicalibration sometimes helps, but often not much relative to simpler procedures The main takeaway from Hansen et al.’s experiments is that even in the restricted binary prediction ...
In brief, we first used the finalfit package in R122 to evaluate the missing data pattern of the maximum lifespan (6% of NAs) and female time to maturity (30% of NAs) in the dataset with 1250 species: (a) missing completely at random (MCAR), assuming that data values do not relate...
To train the two classification models, we manually labeled bee interactions in our dataset by observing video sequences. To increase the fraction of positive events, we queried our data for bees that are close to each other, and approximately facing each other. Note that we did not distinguish...