Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data model. Social classes are relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions within a society.Members of a social class tend to attach importance to similar things, have similar pursuits and value similar types
One of this study aims is also to answer the question: why teens follow Social media influencers? Identity formation Identity formation relates to the complex way in which human beings institute a continued unique view of the self (Erikson, 1950). Consequently, this concept has largely attached...
Which is what Tyler and his wing reported back to us the next day is exactly what happened. So, I guess the next question you might have is "Well, it is OK if Tyler can do it - but how well can heteach us how to do what he does?" The answer, I'd say, is "Very well. "...
How humans make decisions in non-cooperative strategic interactions is a big question. For the fundamental Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS) model game system, classic Nash equilibrium (NE) theory predicts that players randomize completely their action choices to avoid being exploited, while evolutionary game...
The widespread adoption of AI and machine learning models in society has brought increased attention to how model predictions impact decision processes in a variety of domains. I will describe tools that apply statistical decision theory and information economics to address pressing question at the huma...
[8–11]. On the flip side, an awareness of group-based hierarchies and inequalities in society also provides a necessary foundation for motivation toward social change [12,13]. For these reasons, an important question for psychological scientists concerns how group-based hierarchies initially become...
The cult of sport heroes provides a social model to perceive paradoxes and dramas in society, and to recognize and question key values. When Garrincha, the extraordinary right winger of the Brazilian soccer team which won the World Cup in 1958 and 1962, died an alcoholic and in extreme ...
At each node of a tree, a question about the importance of a particular feature is asked, and depending on the values of the features, the solution moves along the branches of the tree and falls into a certain class. The operation ends when the stop condition is reached, which is ...
This is separate from the question addressed in the main text of whether participants were being influenced by the prestigious individual. The Prestige + Conformity + Payoff model from the main text was compared to an equivalent model which dropped the binary variable for prestige and another which...
I don’t have any answer of my own to the question, “Why don’t machine learning and large language model evaluations report uncertainty?”, for the simple reason that I don’t know enough about machine learning and large language model evaluations in the first place. I imagine they do ...