The Internet and social media have been often hailed as being the hope for democratic and open spaces of free communication. As such, these technical instruments have become an essential tool of communication and interaction in the twenty-first century. It has revolutionised the way people think ...
Ausführlich zu Merkmalen und Formen sozialer Medien Hohlfeld/Godulla/Planer, Kap.2Rn. 7 u. 21 ff. S. ferner Chmelik, Social Network Sites, S. 37 ff.; Pille, Meinungsmacht sozialer Netzwerke, S. 90 ff.; Schwartmann/Ohr, in: Schwartmann, Praxishandbuch Medien-, IT- und Urheberrech...
Com o aplicativo agora acumulando mais de 1,5 bilhão de usuários globais ativos que passam mais de 23 horas no aplicativo todos os meses, o TikTok tem poder competitivo contra outras plataformas. As melhores horas para postar no TikTok são às terças e sextas-feiras, das 16h ...
6 Ebenso Kirchgeorg/Günther (2006: 6) kommen nach Abwägung von Argumenten pro und contra zu dem Schluss, dass der von McKinsey proklamierte „War for Talent“ (Chambers et al. 1998: 44f.) sowohl für Großunternehmen als auch für Mittel- und Kleinbetriebe ein reales Problem birgt...
Th en he will be talking to our president [of the ögb ], with the President of the Arbeitskammer, and if the three are eye to eye [...] then there is no government in Austria that will contra-dict them [...] Also because political opponents, if you want to call them like ...
Com o aplicativo agora acumulando mais de 1,5 bilhão de usuários globais ativos que passam mais de 23 horas no aplicativo todos os meses, o TikTok tem poder competitivo contra outras plataformas. As melhores horas para postar no TikTok são às terças e sextas-feiras, das 16h ...
who, in turn, were embedded in networks in which individuals were either supporting or opposing a political stance. However, social psychological research has consistently shown that holding an opinion on a political question can be more complex than just assuming a pro or contra stance [5]–[7...
Effective content moderation by social platforms is both important and difficult; numerous issues arise from the volume of information, the culturally sens
Com o aplicativo agora acumulando mais de 1,5 bilhão de usuários globais ativos que passam mais de 23 horas no aplicativo todos os meses, o TikTok tem poder competitivo contra outras plataformas. As melhores horas para postar no TikTok são às terças e sextas-feiras, das 16h ...
Table 3. Pro and contra arguments on sponsors at HFC Falke by themes and quotations, as they are mentioned in interviews or during fieldwork. Only in a few cases individual members questioned whether sponsoring is consistent with the club’s fundamental ideas—but the questions were ignored, ...