As a marketer, understand what your peers are doing on various social media platforms to maximize your business results. Social Media Examiner does the marketing community a great service by assessing how marketers use the top social media platforms. The survey for their2015 Social Media Marketing ...
In short, 2015 is the year that the impact of social media on business gets easier to show and possibly impossible to ignore. Here’s a look into the crystal ball at what the year ahead holds for businesses: Staying relevant on Facebook will cost companies more Your company’s Facebook ...
it can be difficult for you to select the right one for your business. You may want to use all of them, but the fact is that some social media platforms are more suitable for marketing than others. It means that you need to ensure that you’re using theright social media platformdepend...
YouTube is one the themost trusted social media platformsand 70% of consumers say that they purchased a product after seeing an ad for it on YouTube. It’s possible for just about any business to benefit from YouTube advertising, but the ecommerce businesses that might get the most from ...
YouTube is one the themost trusted social media platformsand 70% of consumers say that they purchased a product after seeing an ad for it on YouTube. It’s possible for just about any business to benefit from YouTube advertising, but the ecommerce businesses that might get the most from ...
Nowadays, in a world where social media rule, it has become a necessity to stay active in social media platforms very intensively to promote your business in World Wide Web, and hence develop an impressive brand presence! Well, it is not necessary that you should spend some dollars in the ...
You’ve got all the usual search and profile clean up options that a lot of other social media management tools (especially those that focus on Twitter) have these days. Supported social platforms include the following: Twitter Facebook
Wondering what the top social media platforms are? With so many social networks on the internet, it's hard to know which platforms can be best for your business. Instead of getting overwhelmed and stressed out trying to figure out the best social media platform on your own, we will make ...
Thus, actors on social media platforms may, for example, abstain from interaction to save face that is to “prevent feelings of failure, embarrassment, incompetence and inferiority,” (Aarts and van Woerkum, 2002: 426). Another set of factors relates to how organisational choices, strategies ...
2.1. Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Its Related Activities (SMMAs) Generally, social media refers to a group of online-based applications, platforms, or media that facilitate interaction, collaboration, or sharing of content [29]. The platforms for social media can include social networking sit...