Also, dependence on technological devices and internet was associated with higher negative body image scores (p < 0.001), postnatal image concerns (p < 0.001) and increased anxiousness towards the pregnant body (p = 0.02). While SM use and posting are associated with healthy eating behaviors, ...
While social media sites can encourage body-positive content, these same sites also often amplify dangerous “thinspiration” posts, which can shame people with certain body types and help encourage negative body image. And even social media images focusing on healthy eating and working out can lead...
Although there is a voluminous literature on mass media effects on body image concerns of young adult women in the U.S., there has been relatively little t
This phenomenon has raised concerns about the potential negative effects of social media on mental health, particularly among young people. However, it is essential to consider the various perspectives surrounding this issue, including the potential positive aspects of social media on body image. One ...
The Selfie Talk: Self-esteem in the social media ageDiscover more Learn more about social media and self-esteem YOUR DAILY DOSE OF DOVE LOVE My beauty routine starts with embracing my own natural beauty and its uniqueness." Anna Deliza (She/Her)...
While social media can be extremely positive for tweens and teens, it also serves as another platform that can unfortunately help kids perpetuate these negative body image ideals. Searching these networks for terms such as "thinspiration", "thinspo", "thigh gap", "pro-ana", #hip bones, #...
When compared with their male counterparts, a higher proportion of female Gen Zers said social media had a negative impact on FOMO (32 percent versus 22 percent), body image (32 percent versus 16 percent), and self-confidence (24 percent versus 13 percent). Positive aspects of technology m...
Body image issues are another negative effect that’s been gaining traction in recent studies. Recentresearchhas found a trend so disturbing amongst young (primarily) women who use social media filters, a new term has been coined: Snapchat dysmorphia. While it’s not (yet) a mental health di...
As with everything else, there are good and bad aspects of social media. We've discussed some of the negative impacts social media has for many, but you're the one who must decide whether there's more help or harm in it for you personally. ...
The interactive format and content features of social media, such as the strong peer presence and exchange of a multitude of visual images, suggest that social media, working via negative social comparisons, transportation, and peer normative processes, can significantly influence body image concerns....