social media influencer指的是在网上社交社区中具有影响其他人思想能力的人。 社交媒体影响者的定义 社交媒体影响者,又称网络红人或KOL(Key Opinion Leader,关键意见领袖),是指在社交媒体平台上拥有大量粉丝,且其言论、行为能显著影响粉丝决策的个人。他们通过分享个人见解、生活方式...
social media influencers:“网红”homegrown brand:本土品牌established business:老牌企业📝今天的外刊阅读是中国本土初创品牌如何借助社交媒体的“东风”,超越外国老牌们,抢占中国消费市场份额,真正的吐气扬眉!🖌 For western companies such as Coca-Cola, Maybelline and Nestlé, century-old brands have long ...
“网红”就是在抖音、快手、微博、小红书等社交媒体上有很多人关注的人。美式英语对网红的翻译是:social media influencer. social社交的,media媒体,influencer影响者。(抖音 TikTok)Do you want to be a social media influencer?你想成为网红吗?Yes,I do. Because I want to make more money.是的。我...
在汉语里,我们把这类在网上有很多追随者的社交媒体影响者 “social media influencer” 叫做 “网红”。 Neil网红。OK. Feifei网红们说什么、干什么、买什么、吃什么、穿什么都被网民关注。Which is why we call them ‘social media influencers’. Or simply, ‘influencers’. NeilOK, I have a few ...
Social media influencer. Feifei: Well, that's easy. Neil: Maybe for someone young and trendy like you! Go on then, tell me. Feifei: Let me talk you through it step by step. 社交媒体 "social media",你知道吧? Neil: Of course! We...
主题为Social Media Influencer(社交媒体影响者)有关!询问的主题是“social media influencers的积极影响还是消极影响”,按照0726改革前的老托福题型来看,题型属于单线优缺类分析! Your professor is teaching a class onthe impact of social media influencers. Write a post responding to the professor's question....
Check out theHow to Create an Award Winning Influencer Media Kit Check it out What Are Social Media Influencers? Social media influencersare individuals who have built a social media following due to their knowledge, expertise, or interest in a specific topic. Thinkgaming influencerswho built a...
From defining the term “influencer” to covering what professional influencers do, how they get paid and why brands should get on board with influencer marketing, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about the social media influencers of today. ...