1. Identity Theft Identity theft is a common social media threat that can happen to anyone who shares images or personal information online. Impersonation happens when someone uses public information and pictures to create a fake online profile and either pretend they are that person or create a ...
Counteracting identity theft on social media has become increasingly more necessary due to its widespread prevalence and the alarming repercussions it can have on unsuspecting users. This form of fraud involves the appropriation of private information, for instance, user names, residential addresses, birt...
Similarly, identity theft is another issue that can give financial losses to anyone by hacking their personal accounts. 3:- Addiction –The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of the ...
Social media is part of our lives. Find out all the latest security news related to Social Media.
You are at risk if you have a social profile. Shocked? With the increasing numbers of Identity Theft cases it is quite possible now.
The two themes, the history of misuse of SSN on the one hand, and the evolution of privacy concerns with respect to the Internet and Web on the other, intersect at identity theft. This may prove to be one of the most negative consequences of the Web. Identity theft and sundry-related ...
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How Social Media Destroy People’s Privacy Privacy is something that we dream of having every day. The increased use of the social media, for example, Facebook, Twitter and the use of smartphones to access these applications fast and everywhere have resulted in many being deprived of their pr...
Objective – This paper is a first attempt at investigating the self-reported number of instances of identity theft on social media among student population the, Zeenath Reza KhanRakhman, SalmaBangera, ArohiSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Company CEOs or other important figures may also take to social media under their own name but in service of the corporations that they run. When someone falsely impersonates an individual or company online, it is considered social identity theft. ...